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129 Harv. L. Rec. 1 (2009)

handle is hein.journals/hlrec129 and id is 1 raw text is: The Independent Newspaper     at Harvard Law School
SpHarvard                               Recod
September 10, 2009     wwhltecord.org                Vol. CXXIX, No. 1 OCU

Allow Me to Introduce... Martha!
Harvard President Faust Installs Prof Martha Minow as 12th HLS Dean
Harvard University President Drew Gilpin
Faust announced to the HLS community on June
11 that Jeremiah Smith Jr. Professor of Law
Martha Minow had been selected as the next
Dean of Harvard Law School. A professor at
HLS since 1981, the selection of Minow contin-
ues the tradition of selecting the Dean from
among the members of the Law School's faculty.
As a graduate of the Harvard Graduate School
of Education and recipient of the Sacks-Freund
medal for teaching excellence, Minow is likely
to continue Dean Kagan's efforts to improve the
law student experience and recruit professors
that are recognized for their teaching skills.
Minow will become the twelfth Dean of HLS
and second woman to hold that title on July 1,
In her press release announcing the appoint-
ment, Faust praised both Dean Minow and then-
Acting Dean Howell E. Jackson '82 for their
excellent service to HLS and the Harvard com-
munity. She also expressed gratitude toward
Elena Kagan'86 for the transformative positive
impact of her deanship.
A ceremony was held on September 2, 2009 to
formally recognize the ascension of Prof. Minow
to the deanship. President Faust admitted that it
felt a little awkward attempting to introduce a
Harvard University President Drew Gilpin Faust appeared at the HLS Cam-
Minow, continued on pg. 3     pus on Wednesday, Sept. 2nd to present Prof Minow as the new HLS dean.

The fragile state of the global econ-
omy has continued to impact the Har-
vard Law School budget, leading to
slashes in clinical services and layoffs,
in addition to cuts to some of the
school's most conspicuous and contro-
versial luxuries.
On September 4, an email by Dean of
Students Ellen Cosgrove detailed the
reduction in perks students would begin
to notice at HLS, where, under the
tenure of former Dean (and now Solic-
itor General) Elena Kagan '86, free
food for events and even some classes
had become common, free coffee
cabounded from morning until noon, and
Budget, continued on pg. 3

Sotomayor and Kagan
Debut in Free Speech Fight
See Page 2 for Coverage
* A Revolt Against Obama's
* Burning State: CA on the Brink
* Transparency Lacks at HLS
* Raising the Bar on NW Corner
* Advice from OCS/OPIA
* Human Rights Photography
* Scenes from South Sudan

As H1N1 Looms, Vaccinations Urged
Swine flu is not just at our doorstep, it's  affected by the disease, and officials across
well inside it.                          the United States have been scrambling to
That's the message Dean of Students Ellen  prepare for the fall flu season, when the epi-
Cosgrove conveyed in a recent email to the  demic is expected to spread wildly-espe-
student body. She confirmed that there had  cially among school-aged children and
already been a number of cases of the flu,  young adults up to age 24. HLS is taking full
technically referred to as HINI, on the Har-  precautions.
vard Law School campus. Last spring, terror  Seasonal flu clinics will begin September
swept Harvard as the malady spread from  8, and satellite administrations of the flu
Mexico to New York to the university's den-  vaccine will take place at the law school on
tal school, in Boston. It was only a matter of  September 161 and 291h, as well as on Octo-
time before the law school was beset with  ber 7h and 21st Harvard University Health
cases.                                   Services plans to begin inoculations against
Few parts of the world have failed to be         HeN, continued on pg. 3    i-
cially amootoschoi-ageducerldrenvan
Outspoken Pollak '09 Enters Politics
Former Record Writer Running for Congress in 9th District of Illinois

When Joel Pollak '09 asked Congressman
Barney Frank '77 (D-MA) a particularly
uncomfortable question during a Kennedy
School event last spring, Frank unleashed
one of his trademark tirades. That much
Pollak expected. What he did not anticipate
was the outpouring of support that followed
- a flood, he claims, of emails and other
messages expressing gratitude for his will-
ingness to challenge the Congressman.
While he had already been contemplating a
career in politics, this, Pollak told the Har-
vard Crimson's FlyByBlog, led him to jump
straight in. Earlier this month, he announced
his intention to take on incumbent Con-
gresswoman Jan Schakowsky, a Democrat

who has represented Illinois' 9th District
since 1999.
Although he has a wealth of experience
in politics, an actual candidacy is new ter-
ritory for Pollak, who has served primarily
as a speechwriter and as a journalist. After
graduating from Harvard College in 1999,
Pollak returned to his native South Africa
on a Rotary Scholarship, working as a free-
lance writer and eventually pursuing a mas-
ters degree at the University of Cape Town
in Jewish Studies. The relationship be-
tween Israel, Jews, and South Africa has
proven a salient subject for Pollak, who last
year published his first book, The Kasrils
Affair: Jews and Minority Politics in South
Pollak, cont'd on pg. 3         Joel Pollak '09

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