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25 Historia et Ius 1 (2024)

handle is hein.journals/histeiu25 and id is 1 raw text is: HISTORIA ET IUS - ISSN 2279-7416 - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.07 - 15 febbraio 2024
rivista di storia giuridica dell'eta medievale e moderna    www.historiaetius.eu - 25/2024 - paper 7
Paolo Marchetti
Catene del corpo e catene dell'anima. Breve storia del reato
di plagio nell'esperienza giuridica italiana
Chains of the body and chains of the soul A short history
of the crime ofplagio in the Italian juridical experience
SOMMARIO: 1. Alle origini del plagio: ii corpo in catene - 2. La costruzione scienti-
fica della nozione di suggestione e la labile signoria del volere - 3. Il reato di
plagio nel codice Zanardelli: la schiavita come condizione di fatto e di diritto - 4.
Il reato di plagio nel codice Rocco: catene del corpo o catene dell'anima? - 5. Orien-
tamenti giurisprudenziali e dottrinali in materia di plagio dopo l'entrata in vigore
del codice Rocco - 6. L'afaire Braibanti - 7. Contro ii reato di plagio - 8. La dichia-
razione di incostituzionaliti del reato di plagio e i risorgenti timori per ii fenomeno
dei condizionamenti psichici.
ABSTRACT: In the Italian legal experience, the history of the crime of plagio has been
characterized by several interpretative problems. In particular, the Rocco Code
(1930) introduced this crime with the art. 603, but its text was particularly ambigu-
ous. Indeed, it was not clear in the prediction of the rule, if the strength used to
submit a person had to be only physical or it could be psychological too. In any
case, in Italy only one person was found guilty of the crime of plagio considered as
a 'mental crime'; it was the only case of conviction for this crime (occurred in
1968) from the promulgation of the code to the declaration of unconstitutionality
issued in 1981. Nevertheless, the Italian debate around this kind of offence seems
to reopen once again, especially when the public opinion is scared by the risk of
mind manipulation thanks to 'evil forces'.
KEYWORDS: Mind manipulation, Suggestion, History of criminal law.


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