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97 Minn. L. Rev. Headnotes 1 (2012-2013)

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Burying Best Interests of the Resulting
Child: A Response to Professors Crawford,
Alvare, and Mutcherson
I. Glenn Cohent
I am gratified by the very kind remarks of Professors
Crawford,' Alvar6,2 and Mutcherson3 in their separate respons-
es to Regulating Reproduction4 and Beyond Best Interests, es-
pecially since each of them writes work that I greatly admire
and often rely on. Because I view responses like this as a
means of crystallizing and helping to resolve disagreements, I
focus here on those points where our views diverge rather than
the issues on which we agree. However, I do not want to give
the misleading impression that our points of disagreement are
more significant than our points of agreement. If anything, I
think the opposite is true.
t Assistant Professor, Harvard Law School. Co-Director, Petrie-Flom
Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics. J.D., Harvard
Law School. Igcohen@law.harvard.edu. I thank Bridget Crawford, Helen
Alvare, and Kim Mutcherson, not only for their excellent responses to my pa-
pers, but for comments on my reply to those papers. Lisa Sullivan provided
outstanding research assistance. Copyright © 2012 by I. Glenn Cohen.
1. Bridget J. Crawford, Authentic Reproductive Regulation, 96 MINN. L.
REV. HEADNOTES 31 (2012), http://www.minnesotalawreview.org/wp-content/
2. Helen M. Alvar6, A Response to Professor I. Glenn Cohen's Regulating
Reproduction: The Problem with Best Interests, 96 MINN. L. REV. HEADNOTES
8 (2012), http://www.minnesotalawreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Alv
3. Kimberly M. Mutcherson, In Defense of Future Children: A Response
to Cohen's Beyond Best Interests, 96 MINN. L. REV. HEADNOTES 46 (2012),
4. I. Glenn Cohen, Regulating Reproduction: The Problem with Best In-
terests, 96 MINN. L. REV. 423 (2011) [hereinafter Cohen, Regulating Reproduc-
5. I. Glenn Cohen, Beyond Best Interests, 96 MINN. L. REV. 1187 (2012)
[hereinafter Cohen, Beyond Best Interests].

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