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8 Foreign Pol'y Bull. [i] (1997)

handle is hein.journals/fnpbt8 and id is 1 raw text is: PHILIP AUERSWALD
Research Consultant
Editorial Assistants

Published by:
Kluwer Law International
ISSN 1052-7036
Coden FPBU
Cover and page 3 photo of Hum refugees
in eastern Zaire, on their way back to
Rwanda after two years of exile, Wednes-
day November 27, 1996.
Page 85 photo of Serbian police in riot
gear blocking anti-Milosevic demonstra-
tors from entering Belgrade's central
square, December 26, 1996.

Foreign Policy Bulletin
Volume 8 / Number 1
January / February 1997
The Foreign Policy Bulletin is a reference periodical published bimonthly by Kluw-
er Law International. Its purpose is to make available a timely and systematic record
of United States foreign policy.
Each issue is indexed and there is an annual index at the end of each volume.
In addition to major addresses, statements, and other public reports and remarks of
the President, Secretary or State, and Administration officials in other foreign affairs
agencies, the Foreign Policy Bulletin includes excerpts from pivotal debates in the
Congress; speeches and other statements by foreign and international officials; rele-
vant texts and reports from international organizations; summaries and listings of
treaties and other agreements to which the United States is a party; and other infor-
mation of particular interest to the study of U.S. foreign relations.
The Foreign Policy Bulletin is not affiliated with any government or international
institution, and has complete editorial autonomy.
Most of the contents of this publication are official documents. The compilation of
these materials is copyrighted and permission must be obtained to reproduce or
reprint numerous pages or entire sections of an issue. Individual documents are in
the public domain and may be reprinted; citation of the Foreign Policy Bulletin is
appreciated. Permission to reproduce copyrighted materials from other sources
(including photographs) must be obtained from the original source.
INDEXING: Included in the PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) indexes: the
PAIS Bulletin, PAIS on CD-Rom, and online through Dialog, BRS, and Data Star.
Subscriptions (1996): Annual subscriptions to the Foreign Policy Bulletin are
$125.00/year for institutions; $75.00/year for individuals. A complete mailing
address and payment should be sent to:
Kluwer Law International
675 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
Tel: (617) 354-0140
Fax: (617) 354-8595
BACK ISSUES: Complete sets of Vol. 1 (Jul 90-Jun 91), Vol. 2 (Jul 91-Jun 92), Vol.
3 (Jul 92-Jun 93), Vol. 4 (Jul 93-Jun 94), Volume 5 (Jul 94-Jun 95) and Vol. 6 (Jul
95-Dec 95) can be purchased for $100.00/set ($50.00/set for Vol. 6). Single copies
can be purchased for $20.00 per issue; double issues are $40.00.
Please send orders to
Mediacom Inc.
Box 8635
New Haven, CT 06531
Tel: (203) 782-2682; Fax: (203) 865-7230

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