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9 Fed. Juror 1 (1938)

handle is hein.journals/fjbfgj9 and id is 1 raw text is: r77
January. 1938  t !-kationtof the F r! Gtr-d Ju, y Ass o ta , . So tti t of New  Yok  Vo  I, NO . I

Senator Royal S. Copeland, Chair-
man of the Senate Committee on Com -  lhe regular annual meeting of the
nierce, has designated M r. Robert  Federal Grand Jirn iAssociation for
Daru, former special counsel to that  the Southern Distnet of New  ork will
be held on \\ednesday, lanuarv- 26th,
Committee and presently counsel to   93,at 3:45 o'clock in the afternoon .
the Federal Grand Jury tAssociation  in the Assembly Hall of the Associa-
for the Southern Disteit of New York, iion of the Bar of the City of Nw O
to make a report on certain serious  York, 42 West 44th Street. New York
conditions existing in the American  City. The regular business of the As-
merchant marine. 'T'hese coditions  sociation will be taken up prior to the
came to the attention of a Federal scheduled addresses to be delitered by
Grand Jury who recentt sat in the   the guest speakers who ttill include
Southern District of Nei York. \     Hionoraile Jacob iould Schurman. Jr.
special Committee of the Association  hief City AIagistrate of the Cin  of
.hteciai          Neic York, Dr. Arthur La Roe. res-
under the chairmanship of Mr. laurice  dent of the American Narcotic Defense
Deutsch was appointed by the Execu-  \ssociation, and Robert Daru, Es9..
tive Committee of the Association to  :ounsl to the Association and editor
consider these conditions.          if lhe  -ederal uror.
This matter came to the attention of  udge Schuman  is scheduled  to
the Executive Committee in October   Peak on i e oagistiates' Courts 
Ihe City of New \York:- Dr. La Roe
1937, and as a result a Special toon-  -ill discuss Some New -Aspects of the
mittee on ullcit ivaftic, Counterfett-  Narcotic Dru - Problem and Air.
ing and Immigration Law, was ap-     Darr will talk on the subject of The
pointed. The membership of this Con-  Cn itoo  States Supreme Court Deci-
mittee included the Special Committee  ions on WA ire Tapig.
from the sitting Grand Juy which had  NIr. 1e- ThompOn Smith. Presideti
originally brought the matter to the  of the Grand lir Association of New
attention of the Association and ther Nork County an i IX. Charles H.
members of the Association. This pe- ITuttl., former Iited States Attornie
cial Committee has been considering  for the Southern District of Neic tork
carefully the various important Lies-  till also deliver addresses. Ar. Kitg
tions involved under the legal gtidance  Smith. President of the Association.
of Mr. Daru.                         icill preside at the meeting and intro-
duce the speakers.
It is expected that this Committee   \ll the ntmmer, of the Nsociation
will shortly be in a position to render  ano their friendbs and eiesth are  o-
a report ant make recommendations. dially invited to attend.

Association Volunteers to Aid in
Drafting Recommendations to
To our friends and colleagues of the
Grand i  ur  Association of New
York County:
G -rtings:
The future of the grand jury sys-
tem as a basic institution in the ad-
ministration of criminal justice will be
determined in 193. 'There will be a
sharp clash between two schools of
thought: those who believe that the
rand jury should remain the sole body
hain t  rivert in >itiate fefony prose-
etiitt  anid itho tMoit believe that it
should  be supplemented   by other
agencies such as the District Attornev
or the   Miagistrate's Court which
iwould proceed by information. The
argument is made that such a change
would relieve the grand jury of a great
deal o routine business so that it could
devote its best efforts to more im-
portant itork on behalf of the com-
munity. Without attempting to dis-
cuss the merits of these proposals, it
suffices to say i passing that no tiat-
ter howy ro('tmte' and `ordinary may.
be the function of indicting persons,
the act of charging any person with
the commission of a felony is just as
evous and important today as it was
thien the grand jury system was first
founded, hundreds of years ago.
While we regret that it wll not be
our privilege tt participate in the same
taiy that it itill be your opportunity
( Ctined si Page of

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