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30 Fed. Juror [1] (1959)

handle is hein.journals/fjbfgj30 and id is 1 raw text is: The Federal Juror




101 Park Avenue
Vol. XXX, No. 1

-   Telephone: LExington 2-8963

-    New York 17, N. Y.

April, 1959

The Honorable Frederick van Pelt Bryan, judge of the United States District Court,
honored the Federal Grand Jury Association for the Southern District of New York by deliver-
ing the principal address at the organization's 31st Annual Meeting held at The Warwick.
Drawing a highly revealing picture of the Federal courts at work, and describing, in partic-
ular, his own Court in action, Judge Bryan aroused unusual interest in his subject and en-
thusiasm for his recommendations.
Immediately preceding Judge Bryan's address a brief meeting of the members of the
Association was held. The Association's President, Mr. John E. Barrett, presided and business
matters were disposed of with dispatch. Usual reports were rendered and the annual elec-
tion was held. The election was one to fill the places of members of the Association's Board
of Directors whose terms were about to expire. This year three candidates recommended by
the Nominating Committee were re-elected, for terms expiring in 1961, as follows:
Bernhard K. Schaefer
Harold S. Sutton
Arthur Tinker
The report of the Treasurer consisted of a detailed financial statement prepared by the As-
sociation's certified accountants. In offering his report the Treasurer, Mr. Victor A. Lambert,
noted that, in the face of rising costs, the Association had almost met expenses. The report
was accepted as rendered.
In submitting his report as President, Mr. Barrett stated that his account was that of a
stable organization. He referred to the formation of the Association in 1927 under the guid-
ance of the Association's guest, the Honorable Charles H. Tuttle. Touching upon the pur-
poses for which its first members banded together, he then surveyed the work of the
Association since its inception. Mr. Barrett reduced the Association's reason for being to the
one word duty, meaning duty to the community. He described Federal grand jurors as
persons with a civic know-how, and urged his fellow jurors to employ that special knowledge
in efforts to protect the many privileges they now enjoy as members of a democratic society.
The President then introduced to the audience the speaker of the evening, Judge Fred-
erick van Pelt Bryan. In presenting Judge Bryan Mr. Barrett reviewed the facts of the
Judge's career prior to his appointment to the Federal bench in 1956. Immediately following
his admission to the bar in 1929, said Mr. Barrett, Judge Bryan spent thirteen years at work
on litigated matters. At first he engaged in private practice. Later he was employed as an
attorney in the office of the New York City Corporation Counsel. During four of the latter
years Judge Bryan was First Assistant Corporation Counsel and, as such, supervised the
myriad activities of the City's legal office.
Next followed almost four years in the service of the United States Air Force. From this
service Judge Bryan was discharged with the rank of Colonel and wearing awards from three
governments, those of the United States, France and Great Britain. Returning to private prac-
tice he engaged in trial work principally for ten years, until his appointment to the District
Court. To a court whose business is almost unlimited in scope, said Mr. Barrett, Judge
Bryan's varied experiences as a legal practitioner are proving of incalculable value.

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