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20 Fed. Juror 1 (1949)

handle is hein.journals/fjbfgj20 and id is 1 raw text is: THE FEDERAL JUROR
Vol XX, No. I  Published by The Federal Grand Jury Association For the Southern District of New York  April, 1949
Congress Urged Communist Challenge Focuses
To Add Judges             Attention on Jury Selection

Bills already introduced in the 81st
Congress would increase the number of
Federal judges in the Southern District
of New York by four and would grant
salary increases to all United States
judges. The Association has been ac-
tively working for some time for addi-
tional judges to relieve the present
,overburdened judges and overcrowded
court calendars.
Representative Emanuel Celler of
New York has introduced a measure to
increase the number of district judges
here from twelve to sixteen. This pro-
posed legislation is based on the recom-
mendation of the Judicial Conference of
the United States,
The Conference, which is headed by
Chief Justice Vinson, recently recom-
mended in a report that twenty-three
new Federal judges be authorized, in-
duding the four for the Southern Dis-
trict. The Conference includes the
senior judges of the ten Federal circuit
Five more circuit court judges and
eighteen jurists for the district courts,
the Conference said, constitute the
absolute minimum necessary to ade-
quately man the courts and to provide
for the continued efficient and orderly
processing of the business of the courts.
Earlier, in an interview with the
press, in support of measures to provide
;tore judges for this district, Senior
Judge John C. Knox said he did not
(Continued on page 4)
Reappoints McGohey
John F. X. McGohey, United States
Attorney for the Southern District of
NewYork, has been reappointed to that
post by President Truman.
Mr. McGohey learned of the nomina-
tion when an assistant passed him a note
while he was in court during a session of
the trial of the eleven   Communist
laters on conspiracy charges. Later
he said he was grateful for this evi-
dence of confidence in me. He had
Jt tcompleted a four rear term as U. S.

Write Washington
Members of the Association who
wish to help further its aims can do
so by writing appropriate members
of Congress regarding the following
In the Senate one bill (S-49)
swould establish uniform qualifica-
tions forjurors in the Federal courts
sehile the other (S-52) would auth-
orize the appointment of addi-
tional circuit and district judges.
Senator Patrick A. McCarran is
Chairman of the Senate Judiciary
Committee, and one of New York's
Senators, Robert F. Wagner, is on
the Committee. Members may
also wish to write New York's other
Senator, Irving M. Ives.
In the House Representative
Eugene J. Keogh has introduced a
bill (H-241) to increase the salaries
of Federal judges. Representative
Emanuel Celler, one of New York
City's Congressmen, is Chairman of
the House Judiciary Committee.
Members are also urged to write the
Congressmen from their own dis-
Shaw Cites Goals
In Annual Report
Calling the grand jury a great un-
used force for the public good, A. Vere
Shaw, President of the Association, took
the occasion of his annual report at the
1948 meeting last November, not only
to report on what the Association had
done, but what it must do to increase
the usefulness of the grand jury and to
serve the public welfare.
After citing what the Association had
accomplished and was planning to do,
Mr. Shaw summed up by descriIsing the
double problem the Association faces
of aiding jurors and educating the pub-
lic as to grand juries. It is not, he re-
minded his listeners. a job for a year or
(Cssntsnud an page 2),

The attesspt of counsel for eleven
leaders of the Communist party now on
trial in Federal Court in this district to
prove discrimination in the selection of
panel lists for both Grand and Petit
juries has focused nation-wide attention
on this challenge to the jury system.
The defendants were indicted by a
Grand Jury last July on the charge of
conspiracy to organize the Communist
party for advocacy of the forcible over-
throw of the Government.  When the
trial opened before Judge Harold R.
Medina, counsel for the eleven (William
Z. Foster, the twelfth, was excused be-
cause of illness), demanded that the
indictment be quashed on the basis of
illegal selection of the jurors.
They   asserted  that  low-income
groups, Negroes, Jews, women, manual
workers, and members of the Commu-
nist and American Labor parties have
been excluded from jury lists in this dis-
trict. Despite forty-two witnesses called
by the defense, including some mem-
bers of the jury panel, they failed to
satisfy Judge Medina that there has
been any discrimination it the selec-
tion of jurors on the basis of race, color,
creed, politics, or financial standing.
Judge Medina, who has been widely
commended for his patience in hearing
she defendants' arguments, finally stated
o court: I find that there has been
willful, deliberate and concerted effort
so delay the proceedings. At first I
New Committeemen
Five new members of the Executive
Committee have been named for 1949:
Thayer Csmings, advertising, Bat-
ten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, Inc.,
383 Madison Avenue; W. H. Eaton,
publisher, The American Home, 444
Madison Avenue; John C. Farrar,
publisher. Farrar, Straus & Co., Inc.,
53 East 34th Street; John Minturn
Le Roy, insurance, Chubb & Son, 90
John Sturd; John T. Ogden, pub-
lisher, Odgen Publishing Co., 55 West
42nd Street.

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