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13 Fed. Juror 1 (1942)

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Janary. 942

P,,l~aonof te  ed-IGad ury Aoiatio for th S-lk       Districtof Nu,-,York

Presidet Gardiner Revirws Activities for the
Year Ending October 31. 1941
Your Association was unfortunate
in. that, during the two years that Mr.
William S. Langford weas your Presi-
ient. he tos unable t attend either
Annual Meeting -with, the result that
your present President presided over
them as Seuior \ice President and
also over last year s tleetmng as Presi-
dent. So this present Annual Meeting
is the fourth at wohich yo hare hl to
hear his remarks. But the siloer liuing
to that passing cloud is that this pres-
ent sleeting is the last octr huich be
twill preside; tor your -Association's
no-third-term polic5 calls for the elec-
tion of his successor by your Exect-
tive Committee before the close of this
calendar year.  tonsquently, your
President is avaihing himseli of this
final opportunity to submit to you not
merely a report of happenings but also
some personal Iews thich he hopes
that you will find appropriate.
fll'NO.ot ltxx\ SIt
As many of you who attended it will
recall, the biennial dinner which 'our
Association gave to the Judges and to
the Attorner for the Southern District
of New York on the 1oth of January
last twas a very enjttable and ilnformal
event. -
Ttt  F11111A  ItR1 oa
It is also a pleasure to report that
The Federal Juror, publishel from
tune to time by your .\ssociation un-
der the supervision of your lionorary
President. Mo. Euge- 1. Lanti.
Chairman of your l tommittee on Imb-
lication, and tir. Robert Daro, Coun-


On December 2nd, the Executive
Committee elected Charles Scott
I totlers peesilent of the Association
frtihe termt of tile er 142.
li r. Landers, a Consulting Engi-
nee, has been a meuier of the As-
sociation for six years. He wras bornt
is iotaryland, and graduated from the
Ilotchkiss School and the Sheffielid
Scientifie School of Yale Uniersity.
is earl engineerintg exerience was
ino railrtoatd toork in the Unitted States
and IEcuador, South America. Later,
e wts eoogaged    1 tile constru tion
tot the East River tunnes s rt he Pentnl
sylvania Railroad; the Catskill aque-
uct for the Cite of New  ork ant
on the foundations for a number ot
buildings in lower Manhattan built b
the pneumatic process.
Durhng the past twenty-live years
AIr. I anders has been a Consulting
longser priocipally engaged on difhi-
cult foundations for buihldngs and
bridges in New Fork and oicinit -
The takiig of an oath is generly
associated 01ito Iegal proceedings and
statements of witnessis.  11 ,not nly
plays an important role in the admin-
istration  of  the  lat  buit  i os  an  o-o
tegral part of our judicial machinery.
Although an oath is a solem under-
taking, in the hustle and bustle of
modern overcrowded and impatient
tribunals. its sanctity is frequently dis-
regarded and sometimes even mini-

-A bill for universal fingerprinting
is now being actively sponsored in
Congress, requiring every American to
be fingerprinted and to carry an of-
ficial identifhcation card.
Tbhe Feiral Graod Jtr Associa-
tioto loas lng beeo an adoc(Iate af such
a measure. For about tell years the
Association has taken an active part
in promotmg the passage of such a
law. A proposed bill toas drafted by
tine Association and submitted to Sena-
tor James M. Mead in July, 1940.
Copies of the proposed bill were also
sent to a number of senators and a
number of members of Congress of
both houses.
The Association's bill was more
comprehensive than the bill now being
consilered i Ctongress, lo that it pro-
vided that every resilent of the Uttited
Statcs >e itientif e, , registered and
Aluch time al effort has been de-
voted by the Association in adocating
such legislation. The sentiment of the
Federal lurors in the Southern Dis-
(l-s oft No   rk wtas tested by sub-
mittng a iallot to the two thousand
responsible citizens who compose the
Federal Grand Jury panel. Over 98%
were in favor of such legislation.
Questionnaires wecre also sent to all
the U nited States attorne-s in every
district in the country. The responses
were almost unamimous in favor of
such a law.
There is little question that now
there is an 00erlelming trend of
public opinion in favor of universal
ingerprinting. one indication of this
trend is the recent surver conducted
lo Los Angeles by the Los A rfcles
( o tinue I ou ta,  ' )

Vol. XIIl. No.

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