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12 Fed. Juror 1 (1941)

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Nea nor.ofr Frdera CGrad Jury Ace

fo th  Suthern Dstrct of New  YoI-

Held in the United States Court House
November 14, 1940
By-laves i The F dr  randttd ltt
Association, adopted at its Anmual
Voetiny Iel on the    lantar  1940.
its Annital Meetings thereafte tar to
te held on the second   ltthtrsdat  of
each November. The present report
consequently covers activities merely
during the ten months from   the 
January to the 31 ()ctober, 1'940.
Voluntary Identification, Registration and
Fonr more Ihan ten yecars your .As-
sociation has advocat  d ttt registra-
tion an ftngerprinting of all alien, in
the Umited States. ;A lawe to that endl
was this year enacted by Congress andl
suhrgsrto of iens i ot be-
the 26 k~cember next.
Sour Association ha, also long ad-
vocated universal identification, regis_-
Iration., and fillgerprinting. lit 1932,
Air, Robert Darn, Counsel to tour
Association, teas Counsel to the Uiiited
States Senate's Sub -committee on
crime anI prepared for that Sub-
committee a plan for voluntary regi -
tration and hingerprmntmg which, im
practice, might become almost univer-
sal. :fter (teazly eight years of ad-
vocacy, your Fxecutive Conuuittee last
June proposed, in statutory form, a
plan far the voluntarv ide'ntification.
registration, and hingc~rprinling of all
persons concerned, :as in essential ser-
-tinuemd on put 7)

The followting' are newt meintbrs
rectnt electe d to the F-eculive
lotnmittec of the Federal (rand
jury Association:
IEtNesr HAA  - - Elected at the
Annual Aleeting, Nov. 14, 1940.
Mr. Ilarrah is President of the
740 Aadi-, Avenue Corporation
SIrI wrVer FoRSHAv---Elected at the
meeting of the Executive Conm-
1i41tee, No. 19, 1940, to  fill the
vacancy catutd by the resigna-
ti,>n from  the iixecutive  o t-
1mice of All. \\ illiam . Lang-
ford, former president of the
A\ssociation. \lr. Forshayv is a
tmthmer of the real estate firm of
lkyrne, Plowman & IForshay at
3t0 Iexigton .\tc., Necw York
,T   i he  regular  biennial \inner I  the
Intlral Grand  uny iAssociatiatn was
Iendered to the lndges of the L twd
Stales IDistrict Court and to the mited
Slates Attorney f or the Southern Dis-
trict of New Dork: nn January I16,
1041. The dinner tas held at the Vale
In accordanjc \1th its tradition, the
dinner was featured hv no formal ad-
Ileset, the main ohjctt ((eing to make
the dinner an informal social get-to-
gether of the otlicials entrusted with
the duly of adhniiterng the work (of
the federal courts in this District.
Ile dinner weas ]highty successful
and all speeches were off the record.

Wide Interest in Proposal Is Disclosed
by Membership
The Association has continued its
drive to obtain support for the pro-
posal made by the Association last
rear  I'ltevolu itar'  61, pinting
identification and registration of all
persons in thet Uited States, whether
citizens or aliens. The response of the
membership to this proposal has indi-
cated that it has aroused great interest.
It will be recalled that pursuant to
resolution adopted by the Executive
Commitlce  of  this  \-ssociation  at  a
meeting held o litte S, 1940, a pro-
posed bill as hafted by the Associ-
ation's colusel which in substance
provides that any person residing ill
the United States may apply for of-
ficial identification. r'egistration and
.nerprinting. Machinery as set up
 e prIpusd bill whereby the Post
(it tice 1)epurtmint was empowered
after  due  ivestigation  to  identify
register and lingerprin a  applicant
who preented himself for identifica-
tion, registration and fingerprinting in
pursuance of that act.
n ie of th e mtain features of the
proposed Ilegishation would be that any
person in the lunited Status would hav'e
the mea, availab1e to hint to obtain
from an authorized government de-
partmn ;m ofcaid agiliao    a
registration which would prolect him
whlerever Ite might go. Another feature
of the bill is that it is 1wh114,1 voluntar-
and not compulsory so that oohy such
persons who desired to take advantage
l( l tina-d 4,  pu ,  i)

May, 1941

Vol. XII. No. I

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