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10 Fed. Juror 1 (1939)

handle is hein.journals/fjbfgj10 and id is 1 raw text is: r
Febray, 1939 Copyrighted. 1939 by the Federal Grand Juy Asso e {Ho rSo t, S-hn  D istri of New Yok-A|l Rights Resarved Vol. X. No.t
At the Annual Meeting of the Asso-
r  iustice  he uprme Cout, rt  NEW   COMMITTEE MEMBERS              GUEST    SPEAKERS DELIVER
State of New York, spoke on the sub-    AND OFFICERS FOR 1939               INTERESTING ADDRESSES
ject of The Crime Situation. His     At sir a     lm   i   oh
address was well received and con-    -     e annual eesini of rie Assss  Senior Federal Judge Knox and
site in pato   .iefovn               clarion, rise foiissrwig wtere oamed csn
sisted criminal element has issued a  the Executive Committee for terms ex-  Former State Justice Black are
The crma';methsisudaprn D~ ecember 35. r94p:                                    Among the Speakern
challenge to our civilization. Organized  .Ninice   etct                                     p
banditry, composed. of one-third of one    Maurice Deutsch
banitrcompd of o ntird of dne-       \\illiam Howard Gardiner          The regular annual meeting of the
pared centwar of the ninety-nine, and detwo-  Charles C. Harris            Federal Grand Jury Assgciation for
thirds per cent that comprises our         F. Robertson Jones              the Southern District of New York was
peaceful population:                       Charles Scott Landers           held on Thursday afternoon, January
The public fails to realize that to-     Maxwell Whitelaw                 ,
day crime is as much a business calling  'The following are the other members  house, Foley Square. New \ork City.
as being a merchant, a doctor or a   of the Executive Committee:           In addition to the regular business of
laborer. The professional thief knows      George R. Baker                 the meeting, addresses were delivered
all the hazards of his calling. He must    Iames H. Barnett                by Hon. William Harman Black, form-
not complain if after his deliberate risk  Iugene J. Cantin               er justice of the Nes York Supreme
he suffers all the penalties of the law.   A. Holmes Crimmin               Court and Robert Daru, Counsel to
Our   present civilization  is the       G. Crawford Eadie              the Association.
avowed organization of the honest and      William S. Langford               Judge Black spoke on the subject of
the peaceful to fight the unavowed         Lawrence S. Mlavers             The Crme   Situation and reviewed
grouping of the turbulent who want         Coleman B. McGovern            in an interesting manner the vanous
to live without work at the expense of     Alfred H. Newburger             problems and considerations involved
the toilers, and who expect to go  n-      W. S. Quigley                  in a proper administration of our crim-
punished for their crimes against their    Allan A. Rvan, Jr.              nal laws. isr. Daru discussed Some
innocent victims. Aside from its cul-      King Smisli                    .Aspects of Civil Liberties.  These
tural aspects, civilization is merely      John Wells                      addresses are reported at length else-
protection-merely the security of a        Robert Daru, Counsel            where mi this issue.
majority who are trying to do right     \Another guest was Hon. John C.
ajity ivho mare ing  sodright    At a meeting of the Executive Com-  Knox, Senior Judge of the Federal
against tre marauding minority iro  nittee held on Tuesday, January 24, District Court for the Southern Dis-
are determined so do wvrong. Civilized  iXj 99 tire folloswing officers isere elected trc  fciYok JrigKoxsd
man is trying to educate himself out                                       m e  f  eg meswr eetd tit of New York. Judge Knox did
m      t   g soept i   rime    utr    serve inring  939:                 not make a formal address but restrict-
der and primal ting. The of rapine with P'esidens....i..William S. Langford  ed himself to a few informal remarks.
all the benefits of civilization that he ist '. /. William Howard Gardier    The meeting was called to order by
cares to avail himself of, would substi-                                                                  vice-
tute theft for thrift, and substitute  'reasurer .......George R. Baker    president of the Assciation, vho acted
stealth and unbridled passion for toil Secretary........F. Robertson Jones  as Chairman in the absence of Presi-
Asst. Sec.-Treas. G. Crawford Ladie  dent William S. Langford in conduct-
(Continued on page 6)        1enorary President Eugene J. Cantin I ing the business of the meetin.

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