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19 Eur. J. on Crim. Pol'y & Rsch. 1 (2013)

handle is hein.journals/eurjcpr19 and id is 1 raw text is: Eur J Crim Policy Res (2013) 19:1-14
DOI 10.1007/s10610-012-9173-3
From the Instrument of Delivery to the Actual Agent
of Harm: Fighting the Criminal Purchase of Ammunition
Marsha S. de Vries
Published online: 15 April 2012
O The Author(s) 2012. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com
Abstract The illegal trade in ammunition in the Netherlands seems to be a small-scale
problem. However, as a result of high profits and a small chance of being caught, it is an
extremely attractive criminal activity for malicious individuals. The criminal purchase of
ammunition is facilitated by weaknesses in the logistic supply chain for legal ammunition,
current legislation on the purchase, possession, transport and use of ammunition and the
inadequacy with which Dutch government agencies enforce the laws. The fight against the
criminal purchase of ammunition could benefit from the adoption of an automated registra-
tion system by arms dealers, the use of a different type of freighting method for legal
ammunition transport and a common approach by European law enforcement agencies.
Keywords Ammunition - Gun policy - Script analysis
Gun crime is an issue that received little attention from the Dutch police until the 1990s.
Interest in the topic increased when in the course of the 1990s there was a decline in the
number of firearms seized, even though the number of shooting incidents increased (Korps
landelijke politiediensten 2006). Different levels within the Dutch police organization, local
and supra-regional, highlighted both illicit firearms trafficking (the supply side of the illegal
firearms market) and the possession and use of firearms (the demand side of the illegal
firearms market). But the current Dutch approach has its limitations, as it gives insufficient
priority to the illegal firearms trade, for example. There is often little or no research into the
origin of seized illegal firearms and their suppliers; firearms are only seen as an incidental
'catch'. In addition, the approach is hampered by the lack of common firearms legislation in
the European Union, the erosion of international border controls as a result of the further
M. S. de Vries (E)
School for Management and Governance, Department of Social Risks & Safety Studies,
University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
e-mail: m.s.devries(atutwente.nl

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