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5 Eur. Crim. L. Rev. [i] (2015)

handle is hein.journals/euclr5 and id is 1 raw text is: 

Prof. Dr. Petter Asp, Stockholm (S)
Prof. Dr Luigi Foffani, Modena (1)
Prof. Dr Maria Kaiafa-Gbandi,
Thessaloniki (Gr)
Prof. Dr. Helmut Satzger, Munich (D)
Prof. Dr. Inge Zerbes, Bremen (D)


  Maria Kalata-Gbandl
  The Post-Usbon  Approach Towards the Main Fea-
  tures of Substantive Criminal Law: Developments
  and Challenges  p. 3
  Jacob Oberg
  Subsidiarity and EU Procedural Criminal Law p.19
  Malin Thunberg Schunke
  A Manifesto on European Criminal Procedure Law;
  a commentary  on the perspective of mutual recogni-
  tion and violations of defence rights p.46
  A Manifesto for European Criminal Procedure Law-
  A Prosecutorial Perspective p. 54
  ParOle lAstnan
  A Nordic academic perspective to the European
  Criminal Policy Initiative. A Manifesto for European
  Criminal Procedure Law  p. 60
  Elisavet Syreon/dou - Kastanidou
  The Right of Access to a Lawyer in Criminal Procee-
  dings: The transposition of Directive 2013/48/EU of
  22 October2013  on national legislation p.68
  eJamil Ddarnulra Mujuzi
  The Recognition of Foreign Convictions From Mem-
  ber States of the European Union in Criminal Trials in
  the United Kingdom: Emerging Issues  p. 86


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