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15 EPA J. 1 (1989)

handle is hein.journals/epajrnl15 and id is 1 raw text is: Environmental Protection

Public Affairs (A-1 07)
Washington DC 20460

Number 1
January/February 1989

Lee M. Thomas, Administrator
Jennifer Joy Wilson, Assistant Administrator for External Affairs
R.A. Edwards, Acting Director, Office of Public Affairs
John Heritage, Editor
Karen Flagstad, Assistant Editor
Jack Lewis, Assistant Editor
Ruth Barker, Assistant Editor

EPA is charged by Congress to
protect the nation's land, air, and
water systems. Under a mandate of
national environmental laws, the
agency strives to formulate and
implement actions which lead to a
compatible balance between
human activities and the ability of
natural systems to support and
nurture life.
The EPA Journal is published by
the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. The Administrator of EPA
has determined that the
publication of this periodical is
necessary in the transaction of the
public business required by law of
this agency. Use of funds for
printing this periodical has been
approved by the Director of the
Office of Management and Budget.
Views expressed by authors do not
necessarily reflect EPA policy.
Contributions and inquiries should
be addressed to the Editor (A-107),
Waterside Mall, 401 M St., S.W.,
Washington, DC 20460. No
permission necessary to reproduce
contents except copyrighted photos
and other materials.

Cover: Tumbleweed in o sunset.
Symbolic of a worming earth
under the Greenhouse Effect. Photo
by Larry Lee for Woodfin Camp.
The annual rate for subscribers in
the U.S. for the EPA journol is
$11.00. The charge to subscribers
in foreign countries is $13.75 a
year. The price of a single copy of
the EPA journal is $1.75 in this
country and $2.19 if sent to a
foreign country. Prices include
mail costs. Subscriptions to the
EPA Journal as well as to other
federalgovernment magazines are
handledonly by the U.S.
Government Printing Office.
Anyone wishing to subscribe to the
EPA Journal should fill in the form
at right and enclose a check or
money order payable to the
Superintendent of Documents. The
requests should be mailed to:
Superintendent of Documents,
GPO, Washington. DC 20402.

How I See It
by Lee M. Thomas 2
A Character Sketch
of Greenhouse
by David Rind 4
Projecting the Impacts of
Greenhouse Warming
by Richard D. Morgenstern
and Dennis Tirpak 8
How It Might Be:
by Cynthia Rosenzweig 9
by Jack K. Winjum and
Ronald P. Neilson 11
Sea Levels
by James G. Titus 14
Electricity Demand
by Ken Linder 17
Water Resources
by Joel E.. Smith 19
by Sandra Henderson 21
Air Pollution
by Eugene C. Durman 23

From an
Industry View
by Stephen C. Peck and
Richard G. Richels 25
Three Foreign Perspectives:
The Netherlands
by Pier Vellinga 28
by Tom Agnew   31
by Roy Popkin 34
With a
Global Focus
by William H. Mansfield III 37
Strategic Implications
by William Nitze 40
The Wheels
Are Beginning to Turn
by Linda Fisher 42
Part of the Problem
and Part of the Answer
by Sandra Postel 44
Can the Human
Race Be Saved?
by Gus Speth 47

Appointments 51
Update 52

As this issue went to the printer, it
was learned that President-elect
Bush will nominate William K.
Reilly to be the new Administrator
of EPA. Reilly is now President of
World Wildlife Fund and The
Conservation Foundation. Among
his previous jobs, Reilly was
executive director of the Task
Force on Land Use and Urban
Growth and was on the senior staff
of the President's Council on
Environmental Quality.

EPA Journal Subscriptions
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