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12 EPA J. 1 (1986)

handle is hein.journals/epajrnl12 and id is 1 raw text is: United States
Environmental Protection

Office of
Public Affairs (A-107)
Washington DC 20460

Volume 12
Number 1
January/February 1986

Lee M. Thomas, Administrator
Jennifer Joy Manson, Assistant Administrator for External Affairs
Linda Wilson Reed, Director, Office of Public Affairs
John Heritage, Editor
Susan Tejada, Associate Editor
Jack Lewis, Assistant Editor
Margherita Pryor, Contributing Editor

EPA is charged by Congress to pro-  Saving Wetlands:
tect the nation's land, air, and  An Urgent Task
water systems. Under a mandate ot
national environmental laws, the
agency strives to formulate and im-
plement actions which lead to a   Wetland Regulation:
compatible balance between hu-    Four Viewpoints
man activities and the ability of  on Section 404   3
natural systems to support and
nurture life.
The EPA Journal is published by  Fulfilling the Aims
the U.S. Environmental Protection  of a Wetlands Program
Agency. The Administrator of EPA  by Robert K. Dawson     8
has determined that the publica-
tion of this periodical is necessary
in the transaction of the public  Doing a Better Job
business required by law of this  of Conserving Wetlands
agency. Use of funds for printing  by Jh
this periodical has been approved    John H. Chafee    10
by the Director of the Office of
Management and Budget. Views      Steps to Strengthen
expressed by authors do not neces-  Wetlands Acquisition
sarily reflect EPA policy. Contribu-       Breaux   12
tions and inquiries should be ad-  by John
dressed to the Editor (A-107),
Waterside Mall, 401 M St., S.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20460. No per-
mission necessary to reproduce
contents except copyrighted photos
and other materials.

Who Cares
About Wetlands?
by Jay D. Hair 14
Racing Against Time
in the Rainwater Basin
by Felice F. Furst 16
Working to Save
Pennsylvania Peat Bogs
by Jane Offringa and
Karen Wolper 18
Wetlands and Oil:
Coexistence on the Tundra
by James M. Posey 19
The Amerikanskis
Are Coming
by Fitzhugh Green  ,1

An Indian Policy
at EPA
by Jack Lewis 2:
The Environment from
an Indian Perspective
by A. David Lester 27
Cleanup Strides
at a Gold Mine
by David Warm 29
Update 3:,1
Appointments 'v,

Cover: Marshes in St. Augustine,
Fla., area. Photo by Fredde
Lieberman, Folio, Inc.
EPA Journal Subscriptions

The annual rate for subscribers in
the U.S. for the EPA Journal is
$20.00. The charge to subscribers
in foreign countries is $25.00 a
year. The price of a single copy of
the EPA Journal is $2.00 in this
country and $2.50 if sent to a for-
eign country. Prices include mail
costs. Subscriptions to the EPA
Journal as well as to other Federal
Government magazines are hand-
led only by the U.S. Government
Printing Office. Anyone wishing to
subscribe to the EPA Journal
should fill in the form at right and
enclose a check or money order
payable to the Superintendent of
Documents. The requests should
be mailed to: Superintendent of
Documents, GPO, Washington,
D.C. 20402.

Design Credits:
Robert Flanagan;
Ron Farrah.

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