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50 Envtl. L. [i] (2020)

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     Lewis   &  Clark   Law School

VOLUME 50                   WINTER   2020                 NUMBER 1


Environmental  Law  at 50: A Cutting-Edge  Journal Examining
   the Central Issues of Our Tim e..................................................  1
     Michael C. Blumm

     This Paper, a celebratory essay marking the 50th anniversary of
     the first issue of Environmental Law, the nation's oldest and most
     comprehensive law  student-edited environmental law review,
     discusses the background of the founding of the journal in 1970 and
     surveys the many symposia and leading articles it has published
     over the years. The output has been fairly astonishing in terms of
     the breadth of coverage and the innovative environmental ideas
     advanced. The Essay  notes the numerous  authors who  have
     published in Environmental Law more than once, and an appendix
     catalogs some  thirty years  of publishing the  articles of
     distinguished environmental visitors to Lewis & Clark Law.

The Ends  and Means   of Decarbonization: The Green New  Deal
   in C ontext ...................................................................................  21
   Jonas   J. Monast

   Disputes  about climate policy involve much more than whether or
   not  to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. There is general agreement
   among   proponents of climate policy that strategies should be cost
   effective,  address  distributional impacts, and  incentivize
   investments  in low-carbon technologies. Yet disagreements abound
   regarding additional goals of climate policy design.

   Decarbonizing the economy means changing the sources of energy
   we   use, how we transport people and products, how we produce
   food, and which resources we consume. Yet even among proponents
   of federal climate legislation there is strong disagreement regarding
   policy instruments. Recent proposals for a revenue-neutral carbon
   tax  and a Green New Deal (GND) frame the opposite ends of the
   debate. On one end, the GND framework treats climate policy as an
   opportunity to steer the trajectory of the U.S. economy while also
   correcting social and environmental injustices. Proponents of the
   most  expansive iterations of a GND argue that it is not possible to

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