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4 Ent. L. Rep. 1 (1983)

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June 1, 1982               Volume 4, Number I
In this issue:
Federal Court of Appeals upholds jury award
of $725,000 against CBS because of its
unauthorized use of excerpts from Charlie
C haplin film s  ................................  1
Parody of John Lennon and Paul McCartney
song Revolution, which altered lyrics but
not the music, infringed their joint copyright
under Canadian law .........................  2
T-shirt bootlegger is enjoined; Federal
District Court denies First Amendment
protection to vendor whose shirts bore news
items about musical performers ............... 2
Athletic shoe manufacturer wins injunction
prohibiting pro baseball and football players
from doctoring' 'its shoes by affixing Nike's
swoosh-stripe trademark .................... 3
Distribution of imitation Rubik's Cubes is
enjoined; Rubik Cube's appearance and pack-
aging are distinctive and protectible under the
Lanham Act and unfair competition law ......... 3
Alleged participant in Chicago arson-for-
profit scheme held entitled to pursue his
invasion of privacy and right of publicity
claims against ABC, Geraldo Rivera and
producer of Newsmagazine 20/20 ........... 4
Mental patient's consent to filming is found
invalid; damages to be assessed against CBS
in action under New York Civil Rights Law ....... 4
Obscenity is not a defense to an action for
copyright infringement, rules Federal Court
of A ppeals ................................. 5
California does not require proof of obscenity
beyond a reasonable doubt in a public
nuisance abatement proceeding ............... 5
Agreement between horseracing sponsors to
allocate racing dates did not violate antitrust laws. 6
Briefly Noted: Copyright, Music Publishing,
Sports Injury and Pornography cases ........... 7
Book Note: Fictional Character  and
Real People . ... ...........................  7
In the  Law  Reviews  ...........................  8
Educational Programs Calendar ............... 8
               Lionel S. Sobel Editor
           Eileen L. Selsky Associate Editor
   Copyright c 1982 by the Entertainment Law Reporter
     Publishing Company. 9440 Santa Monica Blvd.
           Suite 600. Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Federal Court of Appeals upholds jury award
of $725,000 against CBS because of its
unauthorized use of excerpts from Charlie
Chaplin films

  A jury award of approximately $725,000 in com-
pensatory and punitive damages in favor of Roy
Export Co. against CBS for statutory and common
law copyright infringement and unfair competition
has been affirmed by a Federal Court of Appeals in
New York. (The unique factual background of the
action was recounted in the report of the District
Court's decision in ELR 3:3:1.) Roy Export, the
holder of the copyrights in the films of Charlie Chap-
lin, and of a common law copyright in a compilation
of excerpts from the films, contended that CBS, with-
out authorization, had used substantial portions of its
compilation in a film biography of Chaplin which was
broadcast on December 26, 1977.
  CBS argued a generalized First Amendment privi-
lege as a bar to Roy's claims, asserting that it had a
right to use the films that were the basis of Chaplin's
fame in reporting on the newsworthy event of his
death. The Roy compilation itself had been shown
only once - on the occasion of the 1972 Academy
Awards ceremony (broadcast on NBC) marking
Chaplin's return to Hollywood after a 20-year exile.
CBS stated that since the compilation was a part of
the news event of the Awards ceremony, its news-
reporting privilege entitled the network to use excerpts
from the compilation in its 1977 obituary. The court
found this argument unpersuasive, observing that
No Circuit has ever held that the First Amendment
provides a privilege in the copyright field distinct from
the accommodation embodied in the 'fair use* doc-
trine. And in this case, the showing of the film clips
was not essential to CBS' report, because public
domain films were available to illustrate Chaplin's
  The court also found that Roy's common law copy-
right in the compilation was not terminated either b-
the one-time license granted to the Academy o
Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to broadcast the
compilation during the 1972 Academy Awards cere-
mony. or by the fact that the Academy had affixed a

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