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23 Emp. Resp. & Rts. J. 1 (2011)

handle is hein.journals/emprrj23 and id is 1 raw text is: Employ Respons Rights J (2011) 23:1-16
DOI 10.1007/s10672-010-9157-8
An Autoethnographic Tale of Image-Generation Tactics
on Employees
Staci M. Zavattaro
Published online: 14 September 2010
O Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
Abstract Using an autoethnographic approach, this paper presents the impacts of image-
generation programs and policies with a government organization. Based on three years'
experience with The Government, I offer autoethnographic observations of three themes
that have emerged: general confusion, avoiding conformity and brand bewilderment. The
research brings attention to internal marketing, public relations and image-generation
tactics, including human resources policies, practices and organization culture-elements
not typically considered image-generation tools. The research details how internal
communication breakdowns regarding image-generation tactics affect employees.
Key words Public relations - Branding - Internal marketing - Cities - Organization culture
I sat around a small, black conference room table, part of a staff meeting at The
Government (a pseudonym, as are all names throughout). The organization launched
a new branding campaign, and staff created images and taglines to go along with the
brand. Colors were identified, a logo was selected. The Government put out media
pieces containing this new brand, new images, new discourse. It was not until this
particular staff meeting in July 2009, months after the re-branding initiative was
underway, that Jane asked: What does this brand mean? The room went quiet. We
looked at each other, waiting for an answer. There was a realization that no one in
The Government knew precisely what the brand meant.
The new brand in The Government came down from top management without guidance
for creative department employees, who had to spin something from nothing to pump life
and meaning into the brand. We had meetings, gave ideas. What was missing was a cogent
S. M. Zavattaro (E)
School of Public Administration, University of Texas at Brownsville Government Department,
80 Fort Brown, Brownsville, TX 78520, USA
e-mail: staci.zavattaro(autb.edu

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