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38 Ecology L. Currents 1 (2011)

handle is hein.journals/ecolwcur38 and id is 1 raw text is: Student Review of Selected Panels at the
Thelton E. Henderson Center for
Social Justice 2010 Symposium
Empowered Partnerships: Participatory
Action Research for Environmental Justice
Anna Lund, Michelle Ben-David, and Ubaldo Fernandez
The following articles are student responses and observations of a
selected few panels at Berkeley Law's 2010 Symposium Empowered
Partnerships: Participatory Action Research for Environmental Justice
hosted by the Thelton E. Henderson Center for Social Justice and co-
sponsored by Students for Economic and Environmental Justice at UC
Berkeley School of Law; the Center on Race, Poverty & the
Environment; Communities for a Better Environment; Asian Pacific
Environmental Network; West Oakland Environmental Indicators
Project; iPODER! - People Organizing to Demand Environmental &
Economic Rights; California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc.; Greenaction
for Health   and  Environmental Justice; The    Pacific  Institute;
Environmental Studies Institute at Santa Clara University; Cal Corps at
UC Berkeley; La Raza Law Students Association at UC Berkeley School
of Law; Berkeley La Raza Law Journal; Ecology Law Quarterly; Central
Valley Air Quality Coalition; California Law Review; California
Environmental Justice Alliance; and the Women of Color Collective at
UC Berkeley School of Law.
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, and Green for All
Copyright 2011 © by Anna Lund, Michelle Ben-David, and Ubaldo Fernandez.
' Students at thc Univcrsity of California, Bcrkclcy, School of Law (Boalt Hall). Thcy
attended the symposium on October 14-15, 2010. The panel reviews are based on their own
obscrvations and rcflcctions. No citations should be attributcd directly to thc panclists

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