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89 Dep't St. Bull. [i] (1989)

handle is hein.journals/dsbul89 and id is 1 raw text is: Department of State
bulle tin
Volume 89 / Number 2142 / January 1989

published by the Office of Public Com-
munication in the Bureau of Public Af-
fairs, is the official record of U.S.
foreign policy. Its purpose is to provide
the public, the Congress, and govern-
ment agencies with information on de-
velopments in U.S. foreign relations
and the work of the Department of
State and the Foreign Service. The
BULLETIN'S contents include major ad-
dresses and news conferences of the
President and the Secretary of State;
statements made before congressional
committees by the Secretary and other
senior State Department officials; se-
lected press releases issued by the
White House, the Department, and the
U.S. Mission to the United Nations;
and treaties and other agreements to
which the United States is or may be-
come a party. Special features, articles,
and other supportive material (such as
maps, charts, photographs, and graphs)
are published frequently to provide ad-
ditional information on current issues
but should not necessarily be inter-
preted as official U.S. policy

The Secretary of State has determined that
the publication of this periodical is neces-
sary in the transaction of the public busi-
ness required by law of this Department.
Use of funds for printing this periodical
has been approved by the Director of the
Office of Management and Budget through
September 30, 1989.

NOTE: Most of the contents of this publi-
cation are in the public domain and not
copyrighted. Those items may be re-
printed; citation of the DEPARTMENT OF
STATE BULLETIN as the source will be ap-
preciated. Permission to reproduce all
copyrighted material (including pho-
tographs) must be obtained from the origi-
nal source. The BULLETIN is indexed
online by Magazine Index (Dialog file 47;
BRS file MAGS), in the Readers' Guide to
Periodical Literature and the online ver-
sion of Readers' Guide (WILSONLINE file
RDG), and in the PAIS (Public Affairs In-
formation Service, Inc.) Bulletin. Articles

Secretary of State
Assistant Secretary
for Public Affairs
Office of Public Communication
Chief, Editorial Division
Assistant Editor

Department of State Bulletin (ISSN
0041-7610) is published monthly (plus an-
nual index) by the Department of State,
2201 C Street, NW, Washington, D.C.
20520. Second-class postage paid at Wash-
ington, D.C., and additional mailing of-
fices. POSTMASTER: Send address
changes to Department of State Bulletin,
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Gov-
ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

are abstracted by Readers' Guide Ab-
stracts (WILSONLINE file RGA). The
BULLETIN also participates in Mead Data
Central's full-text online services, LEXIS
and NEXIS.
For sale by the Superintendent of Docu-
ments, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C. 20402.

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