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63 Drake L. Rev. Discourse 101 (2014)

handle is hein.journals/dralours4 and id is 1 raw text is: TROLLEY PROBLEMS
F.E. Guerra-Pujol*
Do you kill one person to save five?'
This Article proposes a novel and probabilistic solution to the famous trolley
problem in moral philosophy. In short, the Author would solve the trolley problem by
conducting an auction from behind a veil of ignorance.
I. Introduction                            .............................................. 101
II.  The  Nature  of the  Trolley  Problem ..................................................... 103
A. Trolley Problem No. 1: The Standard Version.............................. 103
B. Trolley Problem No. 2: The Fat-Man Variation............................ 104
III.  Legal Trolley  Problem s..................................................................... 105
IV .  Trolley  A uctions...............................................................................  107
A. Auctions Behind a Veil of Ignorance........................................... 107
B. Auctions Without a Veil of Ignorance ......................................... 110
V .  M oral R ed  Flags  ...............................................................................  112
A .  W ealth  E ffects...........................................................................  113
B .  C om m ensurability...................................................................... 114
C .  M arket  A version ........................................................................ 116
V I.  C onclusion .......................................................................................  118
Appendix ..............................................                 ........ 119
I. Introduction
Consider the following famous thought experiment: a trolley car with
* Lecturerin Business Law, University of Central Florida, Dixon School of Accounting;
B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara; J.D., Yale Law School. Correspondence addiess:
I presented an earlier draft of this Article at the Ninth Annual Conference of the Society
forEvolutionary Analysis in Law in October2007 held at the Indiana University Maurer School
of Law in Bloomington, Indiana, and I am especially grateful to Owen Jones, Daniel Martin
Katz, Jeffrey Stake, Gregory Todd Jones, and Doug Yar for their feedback during the
conference and their intellectual friendship. The original draft of my trolley-problempaper lay
dormant, however, for the next five years -until the summer of 2012, to be more precise, when
my wife and I resided in Saint Ann Parish in Jamaica. At that time, I had an epiphany: why not
apply the Coase Theoremto the trolley problemin moral philosophy? Ithen wrote up a rough
draft of the current Article in July 2012 and have since revised my trolley -problem Article to
consider the ethical implications of my Coas ean approach. This Article thus represents my nst
recent thoughts on the trolley problem.
1. See Cathy Lynn Gros sman, Do You Kill One Person to Save Five?, USA TODAY (Oct.
10, 2010), http://content.usatoday.com/comiunities/Religion/post/2010/10/killing -people-
morals -ethics -trolley -problem/ 1#.VEZ6laMo6bh.


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