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21 De Novo: Newsl. L. Libr. La. 1 (2024)

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by Miriam Childs

Louisiana Supreme Court ChiefJustice
John L. Weimer, along with Associate
Justices Jeff Hughes, Scott J. Crichton,
James T Genovese, William J. Crain,
Jay B. McCallum, and Piper D. Griffin,
are pausing to celebrate and give honor
to Black History Month. Ihe justices
are dedicated to promoting universal
awareness and understanding ofthejus-
tice system. This is thefirst offour special
Black History Month issues of De Novo,
the newsletter of the Law Library of
Louisiana, that willbe distributedstate-
wide by the Louisiana Supreme Court.
Each issue willfeature African Ameri-
can legal figures of note. This issue tells
the story of the Comiti des Citoyens, the
activistgroup behind the legal challenge
to the Separate Car Act of1890, eventu-
ally coming before the United States Su-
preme Court as Plessy v. Ferguson.

The Comit6 des Citoy-
ens, a committee   consisting
of  African  American civic,
social, and  business  leaders
in New   Orleans,  formed   in
1890  with the goal of defeat-
ing Louisiana's Separate  Car
Act   and  all the act repre-
sented. New   Orleans  in the
1880s  bore signs of a society
undergoing   political and so-
cial changes  in the wake  of
the  Reconstruction  era. Af-
rican Americans could vote
and   hold  office; streetcars
were  integrated; and  whites
and    African    Americans
mixed   socially. This march
towards   progression  halted
when   the  Louisiana  Legis-
lature  passed  the  Separate
Car   Act  in  1890. The   act

Photo ofArthur Esteves,from Law Library of Louisiana's copy of Nos
Hommes  et Notre Histoire.

required  railway  companies    separate    accommodations.
to provide  separate  coaches   This  act  provoked   outrage
for African  Americans and      among African Americans,
white passengers. Those  who representing step backwards
attempted  to take a seat in a  towards  a caste system, rath-
car not  designated  for their  er than  progressing  towards
race faced  a fine of $25.00 racial   equality.

or 20  days  in prison. Rail-
way   companies   could  also
be  fined for  not providing

The  most  vocal opponent  of
continued on page 2

    Law Library of Louisiana

         Monday - Friday
      8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

    Telephone: (504) 310-2400
      TTY: (504) 310-2547
      Toll Free (Louisiana only):
        (800) 820-3038
        Fax: (504) 310-2419
      Email: librarv@lasc.ore
    Website: lasc.libguides.com


       At Your Service

Miriam Childs - Director

Tara cunningham - Head of Collection

Sara Pic - Head of Public Services

Francis Norton - Research Lawyer/

Cynthia Jones - Librarian

Angela Reaux - Librarian

Sara Chauppette - Library Assistant

Sebastian Fernandez - Library

Melissa Roane - Library Assistant

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