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1 Docket Call [i] (1966)

handle is hein.journals/dcktcll1 and id is 1 raw text is: Published by Section of General Practice =  American Bar Association
The cover page of Law Notes serves as a quarterly communication
to members of the Section of General Practice of news of general interest
to section members. DOCKET CALL is not intended as a duplication or a
regularly scheduled publication. It is intended as a readily identifi-
able letter to our section membership whenever items of special interest
are communicated.
Members will be interested to' know that each section of the ABA
has its own logotype. The design in the upper left-hand corner of this
sheet is the logotype of the Section of General Practice. Its arrows
symbolize the multiple interests of our members in varied areas of the
practice of law.
The culmination of our current year will be the annual meeting
in Montreal in August. Our Section meetings will be on Monday,
August 8th, and Tuesday, August 9th. In other communications, including
the July issue of Law Notes, will be contained a detail of the program.
The Monday afternoon session will focus attention on FEE DETERMINATIONS
AND SATISFIED CLIENTS. On Tuesday morning, we will hold our annual TRIAL
CLINIC with a condemnation case as the trial vehicle. The Tuesday after-
noon program will emphasize APPELLATE ADVOCACY IN ORAL ARGUMENT.
We are proud that Earl F. Morris, the incoming President-Elect
of the ABA, will be our speaker at our annual luncheon on Tuesday noon.
We trust that we will have many members of our Section and wives to hear
our guest, who will head the ABA in 1967-68.
Those arriving by Sunday are invited to drop by your Chairman's
suite in the Laurentien (our headquarters hotel) between 5:00 P.M. and
7:00 P.M. On Monday evening at 6:30 P.M.-will be our Section's annual
cocktail party for section members and wives. We trust these social
occasions will afford opportunities for closer acquaintanceship among
members of our Section.
You will have received or will receive from Program Chairman,
Charles 0. Brizius, a request for you to forward reservations for our

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