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2 Dayton B. Bull. [i] (1944)

handle is hein.journals/daybabu2 and id is 1 raw text is: DAT     AR BU2U4lN.
Vol. * Mo. 8.                                        rebrary 1, 1944
NiT SATURDAY AThRfl00N, Yfl. 5th
TIME - 130 is 14 to $8m P*
The purpose of this meeting to to give aetual instruetion in the
preparation of 1943 Income Tn   ieturne.   The aotual tax return will be
the basis of the discussion and the infermation 2iven will be praetleal
and designed to sasist lawyers in filling out individual Income tax
returns.   It is the hpe tat thie practical tax instruction can be
completed in the one afternoon    Cecil tiwards will give instruction
on proparation of Famer's Returns.
The Committee is very mueh indebted to Ragh WUa, f*, for his
willingness to serve the layers of awton in this fins instructive
Attondanoe at this course is required for all those who propose
to take part in the Tax Assistance LaIn which conoes rebruary 21th.
1AZ AsatNo   kLA;           nuMN.S1  88th.
Last year the boyton Bar received mAd loeal oredit and national
recognition because of the Tax Assistnee 21a it promoted for the
assist noo of small laeso taqpporse
the xbeoutive Committee and the Daytop Sar Assooiation have 40*
cited to sontimne the plan, and the Proeitent has appetated the followes
ing as the cosmittee in ohsAge Mildred SRobbea,     a       Ben Shasan,
Advisort Viola Allen, Jean Coleman  Mary Kernan, Lorine Miller, Lo Se
Herrman Wrina and Ernaeatlne  aplL
Rere are the planet
(1) The place will be the baeement of the ourt House.
(2) The project will start Menday   febrar     t and  onelude
ednesday, March S1   , from 9800 A.M. to 9300 P.M. each day, eocept
Sunday, when the hours will be 3*00 P.M. to 9:00 P.
(3) The charge will be baeod on $300 pap half har, and the
sharge will be based actually on the time consumed. Thus it a return
requtree twenty minutes  the charge will be $2.00,    The minimm charge
will be $150 for Form i040.A and 4300 for lox 1040.
(4) Lawyers will be permitted to rsistor mid will indicate the
times that they desize to serve,    It is hoped that about sixty lawyers
will volunteor to nniet in the plan.    If y'u desire to reciator now,
kindly cotiiioate this to Los Riohbam or to ie Allen.
(5) No oorporation or involved tax returns for persons in buminese,
including Zarmnore, will be handled.  The service is limited to individual
(6) Avertisemnts :il be placed in the -caily papars oalling
attention to the sorvice amd various plaoards placed in the ourt Hou&le,
(1) The plan of remuneratio)n is that each attorney  ill retain all
moneys ocleted except thAt each day he will turn over to the lasrk in
chrge fifteen per   ent of the Maout to    ed    n of*all othejr
fitoen P   nct     n will pay for the c s pP
otcr005 inl uootisot, Ion ;nsrt? the plan.

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