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1983 DAJV Newsl. 1 (1983)

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BONN                                                1/83 -                                         April 1983

              300 Jahre deutsche Besiedlung in den USA
In diesem Jahr wird der 300. Jahrestag deutscher Immigration nach Amerika begangen. Den 13 Mennoni-
tenfamilien, die im Oktober 1683 Germantown, heute Vorort von Philadelphia, grundeten, folgten bis heute
mehr als sieben Millionen Deutsche nach. Bundesprasident Karl Carstens und US-PrAsident Ronald Rea-
gan werden am 6. Oktober 1983 aus diesem AnlaB an einem Festakt in Philadelphia teilnehmen. In Krefeld,
von wo aus die ersten 13 Siedlerfamilien gestartet waren, findet bereits am 25. Juni 1983 ein Festakt statt,
zu dem der Bundesprasident und US-Vizeprasident George Bush erwartet werden. Wie Staatssekretar
Berndt von Staden vom Auswartigen Amt, der Koordinator fOr deutsch-amerikanische Beziehungen, mitteil-
te, bietet die 300-Jahr-Feier eine gute Gelegenheit, das deutsch-amerikanische Verhaltnis ins Bewultsein
zu rOcken. Die deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen, so m6chten wir hinzufOgen, haben auch auf juristi-
schem Gebiet Tradition und Zukunft. Nicht zuletzt sind die nahezu 1.000 in der DAJV zusammengeschlos-
senen Juristen ein Beweis dafur. Die nachfolgenden Dokumente und Kommentare sind dem besonderen
AnlaB der 300-Jahr-Feier gewidmet.

Resolution des Kongress zum Tricentennial Anni.
versary Year of German Settlement in America
97th Congress, 2d Session, Senate Joint Resolution 260
Joint Resolution.
To designate the period commencing January 1, 1983, and en-
ding December 31, 1983, as the Tricentennial Anniversary Year
of German Settlement in America.
Whereas such date marks the beginning of the immeasurable
human, economic, political, social, and cultural contributions
to this country by millions of German immigrants over the past
three centuries;
Whereas today the United States of America and the Federal
the common values of democracy, guaranteed individual liber-
ties, tolerance of personal differences, and opposition to totali-
tarianism; and
Whereas it is fitting that this historic event be commemorated
in such a manner as to celebrate German-American friendship
and to focus on the democratic values that bind us together:
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Senate and House of Re-
presentatives of the United States of America in Congress as-
sembled, that the period commencing January 1, 1983, and en-
ding December 31, 1983, is hereby designated as the Tricenten-
nial Anniversary Year of German Settlement in America. And
the President is authorized and requested to issue a proclama-
tion calling upon the people of the United States to observe the
year with appropriate ceremonies and activities. As a concrete
demonstration of our commitment to the enduring United
States-German relationship, and as an act of celebration to in-
augurate the Tricentennial Year, we express our strong support
for the President's youth excange initiative, and especially the
concept of a United States-German teenage excange sponso-
red by the members of the United States Congress and the
West German Bundestag, and emphasizing home stays with fa-
                    Aus dem Inhalt
  300 Jahre deutsche Besiedlung in den USA ............... 1
  Veranstalt u ngskalender ................................. 3
  Neuwahl des Vorstandes der DAJV/Mitgliederversamm-
  lu ng  1983  ..............................................  5
  Entscheidungen des US Supreme Court  ................. 7
  Refugee Law and Policy in the United States  ............. 9
  Studium in  den  USA  ...................................  10
  Recent Developments Concerning United States Banking
  and Securities  Law  ....................................  11
  Vom Internationalen Gerichtshof zum US Supreme Court 12
  Neue Veroffentlichungen mit Bezug zum
  am erikanischen  Recht .................................  14

Proklamation von US-Prasident Ronald Reagan
zum Tricentennial Anniversary Year of German
Settlement in America
On October 6, 1683, a group of thirteen Mennonite families, co-
ming from the city of Krefeld, now in the Federal Republic of
Germany, founded Germantown, Pennsylvania, today a suburb
of Philadelphia. Since then, more than seven million German
immigrants have entered the United States and made extraordi-
nary human, economic, political, social and cultural contribu-
tions to the growth and success of our great country.
Today there are more than sixty million Americans of German
descent, a number about equal to the total population of the Fe-
deral Republic of Germany. More Americans claim German an-
cestry than any other nationality. During my adress to the Bun-
destag in Bonn in June of last year, I spoke of the importance
which the United States attaches to the Tricentennial Year of
1983 commemorating German Settlement in America. Despite
the legacy of two world wars which found us on opposing sides,
West Germany and the United States have forged an exceptio-
nally close relationship during the past three decades. The suc-
cess of the Marshall Plan, the Berlin Airlift, and the ensuing NA-
TO partnership have led to a recognition of our common democ-
ratic ideals and joint interest in Western economic and political
Throughout 1983 there will be numerous activities and obser-
vances to celebrate the Tricentennial. President Karl Carstens
has accepted my invitation to attend the culminating event in
Philadelphia next october.
The Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 260, has designated
1983 as the Tricentennial Anniversary Year of German Settle-
ment in America and has authorized and requested the Presi-
dent to issue a proclamation in observance of that year. By the
same resolution, the Congress established the Presidential
Commission for the German-American Tricentennial to plan,
encourage, develop and coordinate the commemoration of the
historic event.
Now. therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United Sta-
tes of America, do hereby proclaim the year commencing on Ja-
nuary 1, 1983, as to the Tricentennial Anniversary Year of Ger-
man Settlement in America, and urge all Americans to abserve
the year with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth
day of January, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and
eighty-three, and of the independence of the United States of
America the two hundred and seventh.
                                 Signed Ronald Reagan

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