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1993 CILP 1 (1993)

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Please note: the Current Index to Legal Periodicals does not publish
                       an issue Christmas Week.

                 Marian Gould Gallagher Law Library
                       University of Washington

                Muriel A. Quick, Information Specialist

                       Mary A. Hotchkiss, Editor

        Copyright 1992, Marian Gould Gallagher Law Library

                  Key to Citations----January 1, 1993

  Akron L. Rev.
  Chi.-Kent L. Rev.
  Creighton L. Rev.
  *Creighton L. Rev.
  Ecology L.Q.
  Fla. L. Rev.
  Hastings COMM/ENT LJ.


  Ind. L. Rev.
  J. Land Use & Envtl. L.
  La. L. Rev.
  Minn. L. Rev.
  Notre Dame L. Rev.
  Res. in L. & Econ.
**Rutgers L.J.
  St. Louis U. LJ.
  St. Louis U. LJ.
  TuL L. Rev.
  U. Pitt. L. Rev.
  Vand. J. Transnat'l L.


Contreras, Jorge. Comment. In the village square: risk mis-
perception and decisionmaking in the regulation of low-level
radioactive waste. 19 Ecology L.Q. 481-545 (1992).
Jordan, David W. Note. International regulatory harmoniza-
tion: a new era in prescription drug approval. 25 Vand. J.
Transnat'l L. 471-507 (1992).

Katz, Melinda M.     Comment.    Prozac-  another drug
wrongfully attacked-what can be done to stop the legal system
from driving good drugs off the market, while protecting state
and federal interests. 25 Akron L. Rev. 635-657 (1992).

25 Akron Law Review, Nos. 3 & 4, Winter/Spring, 1992.
67 Chicago-Kent Law Review, No. 2, Pp. 291-704, 1991.
25 Creighton Law Review, No. 5, November, 1992.
26 Creighton Law Review, No. 1, December, 1992.
19 Ecology Law Quarterly, No. 3, Pp. 445-618, 1992.
44 Florida Law Review, No. 1, January, 1992.
14 Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal
    (COMM/ENT), No. 4, Summer, 1992.
23 HC; International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright
    Law, No. 5, October, 1992.
26 Indiana Law Review, No. 1, Pp. 1-186, 1992.
8 Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law, No. 1, Fall, 1992.
52 Louisiana Law Review, No. 6, July, 1992.
77 Minnesota Law Review, No. 1, November, 1992.
67 Notre Dame Law Review, No. 5, Pp. 1317-1526, 1992.
15 Research in Law and Economics, 1992.
23 Rutgers Law Journal, No. 4, Summer, 1992.
35 Saint Louis University Law Journal, No. 4, Summer, 1991.
36 Saint Louis University Law Journal, No. 2, Winter, 1991.
67 Tulane Law Review, No. 1, November, 1992.
53 University of Pittsburgh Law Review, No. 4, Summer, 1992.
25 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, No. 3, October, 1992.

* This entire issue comprises Annual Survey of Nebraska Law.
* This entire issue comprises Fourth Annual Issue on State
    Constitutional Law.

Kinney, Eleanor D. The role of judicial review regarding
Medicare and Medicaid Program policy: past experience and
future expectations. 35 St. Louis U. LJ. 759-792 (1991).

Kolbe, A. Lawrence and William B. Tye. The fair allowed rate
of return with regulatory risk. 15 Res. in L. & Econ. 129-169

Millan, Stan. Is clean water only for those at the top? 8 J.
Land Use & Envtl. L. 235-251 (1992).

Pierce, Richard J., Jr. Placing the Duquesne opinion in a po-
litical framework. 15 Res. in L. & Econ. 171-182 (1992).

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