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7 Critical Soc. Pol'y 4 (1987)

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Editorial statement on racism

CSP itas established in 1981 cis a socialist and feininist social welfare jourial, addressing
itself to practitioners, students and academics of social policy. Over the past.five years
we have tried to meet these objectives.
More recently, in common with tuany other groups on thie let,  '  hare recognised our
limited awareness of the problems of racisl within welfire; and we have seen the need
fbr CSP to take upl the issues of racisin antd anti-racist struggles iaore comprehensivelyN
and consciouslv. So far we have not been as successfiul as we would like in attracting con-
tributors who address the issues of racism and aii-racisi iii articles submitted fitr publica-
tion in the journal. Thc past practice of the Collective must bear some of the respoiisibilitv
for this.
As part of our own response to this situation, we have sought to change the white doimna-
tion of the Editorial Collective and a number of new black members havejoined the Col-
lective. However. we recognise that Critical Social Policy. in the material that if pub-
lishes, needs to piy much greater attention to amti-racist obiectives by giving due weight
to analYses qf racism in ccelfcre, and anti-racist strategies and practice. The Collective's
expeetation in future will be that. wherever appropriate, c:conination of issues concerned
with racism and anti-racist strategies and practices will be taken up and explored by con
tributors. Contributors should, wherever possible, reflect upon the intersections between
r ce, gender and class oppression and their ecpression in the wel/cire state, past or present.
We trust that readers and contributors will support the Collective's intentios to deielop
its anti-racist practice, and will understand our decision to state this concern here.

Statement by the black members
of the CSP Collective                                         20 MARCH 1987

We wish CSP readers and contributors to know that the three black members
of the Editorial collective have provisionally withdrawn their participation until
such time that key issues on race, racism and anti-racism have been seriously
acknowledged and dealt with by our white colleagues.
   It is our hope that the CSP Editorial Collective will agree a positive and con-
 sistent policy on anti-racism.
   This situation has arisen following an editorial meeting in December 1986 at
 which the three black members of the Collective unanimously decided on this
 course of action.
   We have not been involved in the production of this issue, nor in the decisions
 as to its content. We have also withdrawn from any planning or management
 of this year's CSP conference.
   For us this decision to withdraw from the Collective is made more remarkable
 by the fact that not one of the three black members had ever met another before
 the editorial meeting of last December.
   However, it would appear that we were immediately united by our common
 experience of having to cope with racism - even in its most liberal guises. In this
 context it is not surprising that we individually came to a similar conclusion about
 the situation in which we found ourselves.
   We were concerned that unless the Collective was forced to address its incon-
 sistencies, CSP policy and practice would not amount to more than liberal anti-
 racist rhetoric.                                            (ctmninueel on pige 1.39)


at SAGE Publications on December 7, 2016


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