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6 Crime Sci. 1 (2017)

handle is hein.journals/crimsci6 and id is 1 raw text is: Drakos et a. Crime Sci (2017)6:1
DOI 10.1186/s40163-016-0062-9

Crime Science

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Multivariate analysis of energy dispersive

X-ray diffraction data for the detection of illicit
drugs in border control
Ireneos Drakos' *, Peter Kenny2, Tom Fearn2 and Robert Speller'
A system using energy dispersive X-ray diffraction has been tested to detect the presence of illicit drugs concealed
within parcels typical of those which are imported into the UK via postal and courier services.The system was used
to record diffraction data from calibration samples of diamorphine (heroin) and common cutting agents and a partial
least squares regression model was established between diamorphine concentration and diffraction spectra. Par-
cels containing various crystalline and amorphous materials, including diamorphine, were then scanned to obtain
multiple localised diffraction spectra and to form a hyperspectral image.The calibration model was used for the
prediction of diamorphine concentration throughout the volume of parcels and enabled the presence and location
of diamorphine to be determined from the visual inspection of concentration maps. This research demonstrates for
the first time the potential of an EDXRD system to generate continuous hyperspectral images of real parcels from
volume scanning in security applications and introduces the opportunity to explore hyperspectral image analysis in
chemical and material identification. However, more work must be done to make the system ready for implementa-
tion in border control operations by bringing down the procedure time to operational requirements and by proving
the system's portability.
Keywords: X-ray diffraction, Multivariate analysis, Border control, Illicit drugs, Drug detection

A major threat to UK security in recent years has been the
importation of illicit drugs via routes such as the postal sys-
tem and courier services (Coleman 2011; Dhani 2014). The
UK Border Force is responsible for ensuring that imported
parcels are free from illegal items such as illicit drugs, fire-
arms, explosives and dangerous chemicals before they can
be allowed into the country. Manual searching of parcels
deemed suspicious on external visual inspection may be
time consuming, subject to significant error, and risks dam-
age to the handled parcels. There is therefore a motivation
for the development of an automated and non-destructive
method to investigate the contents of parcels before they
are selected for manual examination (Drakos 2015). The
*Correspondence: Ireneos.drakos.09@ucl.ac.uk
'Department of Medical Physicsand Biomedical Engineering, University
Coege ondon, Gower Street London WC1 E 6B, K
Ful lst of author information is available at the end of the article

Springer Open

need for the development of efficient and relocatable scan-
ners has been expressed by both the European Commission
(Magnusson 2003; Lipoti 2003; Rothschild 2003) and by
previous research in the field (Cook et al. 2007, 2009; Grif-
fiths 2008; Koutalonis 2009; Pani 2009). In the interests of
efficiency and to minimise disruption through false-posi-
tive results, the UK Border Force requires that the duration
of initial screening does not exceed 5 min per parcel and be
capable of detecting illicit drugs at a minimum threshold of
40% drug purity.
Cocaine and diamorphine are both class A drugs, clas-
sified according to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (MDA),
and are the most commonly seized drugs in the UK with
approximately 17,000 and 8500 seizures in 2013/2014,
respectively (Dhani 2014). Due to the limited availability
of cocaine during the experimental phase of the research,
this study focuses on the detection of diamorphine.
Energy dispersive X-ray diffraction (EDXRD) is a
non-destructive technology which has previously been

© The Author(s) 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license,
and indicate if changes were made.


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