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8 Cornell Law Forum (Student ed.) 1 (1955-1956)

handle is hein.journals/corlawfose8 and id is 1 raw text is: IOLUME S                          THE CORNELL LAW FORUM, ITHACA, NEW YORK, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1955                 NUMBER I

Cornell LawForum
Achieves Honor in
National Contest
Capturing an honorable mention
iward in the American Law Student
ssociation's first annual law school
ewspaper contest climaxed a year of
Activity for the staff of the Forum.
The cortest, a part of the A.L.S.A.'s
mammer meeting in Philadelphia, was
,)pen to newspapers of the 120 mem-
,ser schools.
Cornell shared honorable mention
aurels with student papers from
iorthwesern and George Washington
Law Schools. The Temple Law Re-
orter, impressing the judges greatly
'y the fact that it is printed monthly,
opped first prize. No other prizes
vere awarded.
Each paper was judged .on the
I asis of its quality, and its coverage
.,f A.L.S.A. and organized bar activi-
ies. The size of the school and the
jumber of staff members were the
-other factors which influenced the
udge's decisions.
Last year, under the leadership of
William Hickey, the Forum under-
-ent substantial changes. Instead of
dhe previous year's two issues, four
were printed. The paper's entire
make-up was revamped. Column rules
were abandoned for more white space
and a uniform style of bold san-serif
headlines replaced the old variety of
different light and dark type faces. In
addition the Forum added a new
'eature, and increased its A.S.L.A.
At the convention's formal dinner
)aul Rubery, president of the Cornell
.aw Student's Association, accepted
in award plaque on behalf of last
.ear's Forum staff.
Cornell Students
Do Well On Bar
Unfortunately, it is still too early
:o present an accurate, official record
:f the June 1955, New York State Bar
Examination results and percentages
n repsect to the Cornell Law School
tandidates. Nevertheless it has been
)ossible to gather some material in
order to furnish a somewhat enlight-
•ing picture for those who are inter-
To get down to the few available
.tatistics, there were 1,644 candidates
riom various schools who took the
,xam. From this number, 833 passed,
bus giving an over-all percentage of
iO.7 who emerged successfully.
In respect to Cornell Law School
;raduates, it is not known at this time
he total number of students who took
he exam. However, from the list
vhich has been publicized giving the
ames of those who passed in their
irst attempt, it appears that some-
wvhere around 80% of the Cornell
ixndidates passed both the adjective
md subjective parts of the examina-
Again, it must be emphasized that
hese reports are unofficial as it is not
mown exactly how many Cornellians
mrolled for the Bar Examination.
rherefore, two or three unsuccessful
•andidates who were not accounted
:or in obtaining this 80% figure
-ould cause some decline in the final
result. Complete information will be
vailable shortly setting forth the ex-
act figures in which the official results
may be computed.

Judge Fuld To Talk, Judge
Third-Year Court Finals
By Larry Lee
Judge Stanley H. Fuld, New York Court of Appeals, will be the
guest speaker at the annual Moot Court Banquet to be held at 7:00,
October 28, 1955 at the Statler.
Judge Fuld will act as chief judge for the third year competition
besides being guest speaker.

Bill Hickey, Gene Kaplan, Frank Lehmoier, and Winfield Wight look over plaque awarded
to The Forum at the N;L.S.A. Convention this summer
Twelve Compete In Preparation Of
41st Volume Of Cornell Quarterly
Marc Franklin, Editor-in-Chief of the Cornell Law Quarterly,
announced the start of the 1956-57 Quarterly Board competition.
Competition for the board members is among the second year
class. A high scholarship rating in the first year's work at the law
school is the prerequisite for being selected to compete for this much-
sought-after honor. The competiting students are required to do legal
research and from this research contribute three student notes to the

Quarterly during the course of the
In addition to the legal writing, the
competitors do both proof reading
and galley checking for each edition.
Final selection for the board takes
place around the time of spring vaca-
The 1955-56 Quarterly Board de-
voted a special issue to the New York
State  Law  Revision  Commission.
Leading lawyers throughout the state
contributed articles which focused the
modern trends in the various fields of
law. Profes-or David Curtiss of Cor-
nell's Law School contributed an ar-
ticle on New York State trends in
Real Property.
The first issue of the -ear, the
forty-first volume, will be dedicated
to Professor George Jarvis Thompson.
In addition to Franklin, the other

key positions on the board are held
down by Steve Kaye, Managing Edi-
tor; and Paul Szasz. Associate Editor.
Franklin's outstanding note in last
year's Quarterly on the historical
background of Trespass and Case
has been referred to the first year
class this term as a supplement to its
other reading material in Torts.
Those second year students present-
ly competing include: Marshall Ab-
bey, Donato Evangelista, Nancy Helm,
Rudolph Kraft, Joseph Lynch, Ernest
Mathews, Stuart Merz. Melvin Oster-
man. Thomas Rickert, Marvin Robin-
son, and Cornelius Sorapure.
In addition to the second year com-
petitors, Louis Contiguglia of the
third year class, is also competing.

Law Association
Has Busy Summer
According to Professor W. David
Curtiss, Secretary-Treasurer of the
Cornell Law Associationj two major
events for Cornell lawyers were held
during the summer. In June, at the
summer meeting of the New York
State Bar Association, a reception was
held for members of the Association
and their guests. There were some one
hundred persons present, and among
the guests were Judge Edmund H.
Lewis, President of the New York
State Bar Association, Judges Charles
S. Desmond and Stanley H. Fuld of
the Court of Appeals and other prom-
inent members of the bench and bar
throughout the state.
In the absence of President Frank
B. Ingersoll who was in Europe, Pro-
fessor W. David Curtiss, Executive
Secretary, presided at the Cornell.
Law Association's luncheon at the
Hotel Barclay, August 25th, held in
-   -~oti.. -. Il,] ttl c .Lia,   D.. _.-
sociation meeting in Philadelphia, Pa.
Professor Bertram F. Willcox, Act-
ing Chairman of the Cornell Law
School Administrative Committee, ex-
tended greetings of the Law School
and congratulations on inaugurating
a Cornell Law Luncheon at American
Bar Association Meetings. Professor
George  Jarvis  Thompson, senior
member of the Law Faculty, was the
main speaker. His subject was: A
Cornell Law Tradition-From Tran-
sition to Higher Achievement. He
paid tribute to the admirable way the
Law School Administrative Commit-
tee had kept the school moving for-
ward during the past school year and
summer of the deanship interregum
and expressed confidence that the tra-
dition of which he spoke will again
be demonstrated as the Law School
goes on from the present period of
Approximately thirty persons at-

Seated (L. to R.) L. Contiguglia, M. Robinson, N. Helm, R. Kraft, E. Mathews.
Standing (L. to R.) S. Marz, G. Abbey, J. Lynch, D. Evangelista, C. Sorapure, M. Osterman, T. Rickert.

The banquet is the culmination of
the third year Moot Court competi-
tion which started October 14. The
third year argument of 1955 is based
on Section 7 of the Clayton Anti-trust
Act. The specific subject deals with
the lessening of competition in busi-
nes. This argument is selected by the
National Moot Court Board and is
argued nationally.
The second year competition opens
the first of November. Problems for
the first year students will be distrib-
uted in the middle of November and
will be argued after Thanksgiving re-
The system of competition has been
changed this year from the method
used in past years. The former policy,
based competition on an individual
basis. This year, besides the individ-
ual competition, the clubs will com-
pete among themelevs. Each club
member's individual point rating will
he totaled for a club score. The
club's total point score will detrmiie
th. finro th   1-.1,om t'n
Phi Alpha Delta, legal fraternity,
has suggested that in the future the
library tours for entering freshmen
students he handled by the legal fra-
ternities. Using this method Phi Al-
pha Delta would alternate tour years
with Phi Delta Phi. A further sug-
gestion by PAD was that mimeo-
graphed lay-out sheets for each floor
of the library be given out to guide
the students to the various parts and
floors of the library.
The Moot Court Board has ex-
tended an invitation to all first year
students to attend the Second and
Third Year Moot Court competition.
Valuable experience can be gotten in
the presentation and arguing of the
briefs from observation of the second
year competitors.
Frazer Prize Presented
Contigulia, Shea Winners
The Frazer prizes of $100 and $50
went to Louis P. Contiguglia and
John G. Shea respectively. These two
prizes are a gift of William Metcalf,
Jr. '01, in memory of Alexander
Hugh Frazer, former librarian of the
Law School. They are awarded annu-
ally about this time of the school
year, to third-year students whose
law course has been taken entirely at
Cornell University. Louis and John
have been awarded these prizes in that
they are considered to be the students
who have most fully evidenced high
qualities of mind and character by
superior achievements in scholarship
and by those attributes that earn the
commendation of teachers and fellow-
students. The award is made upon rec-
ommendation of the third-year class
by vote, from a list of members sub-
mitted by the Faculty as eligible by
reason of sueprior scholarship. The
holder of the Boardman Prize is not

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