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14 Cornell Law Forum (Student ed.) 1 (1961-1962)

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Rep. Lindsay Stresses How to Cornell Low Forum Barrister's Ball And Parties

n Neophyte's Political Primer
by Elizabeth Palewski
In the absence of a hot needle applied from outside sources the
tistory of politics tends to become encrusted with barnacles. The Old
toys do not move aside for new breezes, said Representative John V.
Andsay (R-NY), speaking on How to Get Started in Politics in the
doot Court Room on October 20.
He said that while politics is the
ost inexact science of all it re-
iain, true that it is impossible to
eparate freedom from political en.
Lindsay advised at the outset that
.atements such as (1) 'Politics is a
aven for those who cannot make
ood any place else' and (2) 'Poli-
cs is thelplace for those with infinite
atience with total conformity' be

No Set Rules
Every rule that was made in poli-
Lcs was made to be broken at some
.me or another. If good men an.
iomen are not in politics then by
,)lid default bad men and women
ce, he said.
Lindsay said he had observed that
Middle East and Far Eastern coun-
:ies where free elections are held
lere is q, great and significant simi-
arity to United States politics: the
oliticians there kiss babies, search
ut the voters, conduct telephone
impaigns--if they have telephones
I the area-and visit homes. Once
parate the two-freedom and poli-
ics, YOU'RE done.
Commenting   on  United  States

Rep. John Lindsay
political structure Lindsay warned,
Politics begins at home. Our federal
structure will be no stronger than our
local structure. If emphasis is not on
the locality to be strong uolitically
there will be no need for federal gov.
ernment because it won't work.

ludge Donlon, '20, Of Federal Bench
)edicates Dorm Named In Her Honor
by Sheila Sandman
The Honorable Mary H. Donlon, Judge of the United States Cus.
)ms Court, and a 1920 Cornell Law School graduate, was introduced
)rially to Mary Donlon Hall, women's dormitory, on October 12.

he occasion was the tormat opening
id dedication of the building.
Dormitory  President Katharine
yall presided over the brief cere-
ony at which University President
eane W. Malott introduced Judge
Expressed Pleasure
In spe.king to an audience of uni-
ersity trustees and officials, alumni,
nd residents of Donlon Hall, Judge
)onion thanked architects and plan-
rs. and everyone else connected
ith the new dorrmitory. She ex-
ressed pleasure at the beauty and
idvenience of the building, and re-
arked that she had been surprised
discover that they named build-
tgs for people while they were still
W~hile Judge Donlon had not been
iside the building before the formal
pening, she had seen construction
aing on from the outside. Dr. John
ummerskill reported that she had
-en in almost constant contact with
im regarding progress of various
5pects of the building.
Serves as Trustee
Judge Donlon   attended  Cornell
Jniversity both, as a undergraduate
nd as a law student. As an under-
,raduate she was president of the
Vomnen's Self Government Associa.
ton. She was the only woman editor
f the Cornell Law Quarterly. She

has served, too, as director of the
Cornell Alumni Corporation and as
president of the Federation of Cornell
Women's Clubs. For the past 24, years
she has served on the Board of Trus-
tees and is at present vice-chairman
of the Executive Committee of the
Judge Donlon was appointed a
member of the United States Customs
Court in 1955. She was the first New
York State woman to be appointed to
a Federal bench. She began her law
career in the offices of Daniel Burke
in New York City in 1920, and be-
came a partner in the firm of Burke
and Burke in 1928. She continued
actively in that partnership until she
was appointed chairman of the New
York State Industrial Board in 1944,
by Governor Thomas E. Dewey. The
following year she was named chair-
man of the Workmen's Compensation
Board of the state and continued at
that post until she received her judge-
Urges High Striving
A   great institution  isn't one
moment, Judge Donlon said in her
closing remarks. It isn't one class-
it's the opportunity in our kind of
society for the formation of our char-
acters, our intellects, our spiritual
life and our roles as citizens. She
urged the students to reach as high
as it is in you to reach and to be as
great a person as you can be.

Wins First Place
The Cornell Law Forum has been
awarded first place among    Law
school newspapers in the annual
American Law Student Association
Newspaper Contest. The presentation
was made to John Meader, Cornell
delegate, at the ALSA Convention
held in St. Louis this summer.
Since its founding in 1949, the
Law Forum has won five awards in
the newspaper competition. It was
commended for honorable mention in
1956 and was given second place
awards in 1957, 1959 and 1960.
The plaque awarded to the news-
paper has been added to the other
Cornell awards and plaques mounted
in the library reading room. The
award cites the La, Forum for hav-
ing been judged outstanding on the
basis of journalistic quality and cov-
erage of student bar and organized
bar activities.
CLSA Takes Second
In National Contest
Term Sees New Projects
The Cornell Law Student Associa-
tion received second prize for overall
student government activity at the'
American Law Student Association
convention held Av :ust 5 through 9
in St. Louis, Mo.  '
The  University  of Texas Law
School was awarded first place. Last
year, Cornell's Legal Aid Clinic was
selected as the oustanding student bar
Zauber Praised
President John Meader and Seth
Towse, first-year representative, rep-
resented Cornell at the convention.
Another Cornellian. Kenneth Zauber,
was present as chairman of the ALSA
Nominations and Elections Commit.
tee in which capacity he was selected
as the outstanding national committee
chairman of the year. Dean Gray
Thoron was in attendance represent-
ing the faculty and administration.
Since the convertion and the be-
ginning of school, the association has
been implementing many of the pro-
Student Advisers
Greet New Class
116 new students were introduced
to the Cornell Law School during the
annual September 3-day orientation
program and in turn helped to intro-
duce the new CLSA student adviser
After being greeted by Dean Gray
Thoron and CLSA President John
Meader, the students attended a series
of lectures and panel discussions con-
ducted by members of the faculty.
Such topics as What is Law and
The Objectives of Legal Education
keynoted the discussion. On Friday,
the students heard talks on Our
Court System-State and Federal
and The Course of a Civil Proced-
ing. In addition, representatives of
the several student activities  dis-
cussed the role of their organizations.
On Friday evening the first.year
class, upper class advisers, and the
faculty met at the Statler Hall ball-
room for a reception and banquet.

To Brighten Festive Weekend
The Law School's Fall Weekend will be climaxed by the annual
Barrister's Ball to be held from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. at Theta Delta Chi
fraternity house, 800 University Ave.
Phi Alpha Delta and Phi Delta Phi legal fraternities will both
hold cocktail parties tonight and the Cornell Law Student Association
will start off activities tomorrow with a pre-game all-school beer
party. The usual round of private
parties will be held before the dance Advisory Council
The Law School Advisory Council-  Here   For W      eekend
now visiting the Law School, will be  The Law School Advisory Council
present at the dance as the honored  is making its annual visit to Ithaca
guests along with the entire faculty.  this weekend to investigate all phases
The Phi Alpha Delta party will be  of the school's organization and oper-
held from 8:30 p.m. to midnight in  ation.
the West Lounge of Statler Hall while  The Advisory Council consists of
the Phi Delta Phi gathering will be at  distinguished judges and lawyers,
Phi Delta Theta from 9 p.m. to I a.m. most of whom have Cornell back-
The CLSA beer party, to be held  grounds in their legal education. Its
from  noon until game time, will function is to make periodic exami-
again be located on the grounds of  nations of the teaching and physical
the University print shop on Route  facilities of the school with a view
13 and the Judd Falls Road. The   towards making recommendations for
football game at 2 p.m. will find the  improvements. The Law School, like
Cornell Big Red, winless in Ivy   its counterparts in legal education
League play, encountering a very  throughout the country, must be con-
strong  Columbia team, presently  tinually engaged in creative planning
fighting for first place in the league.  with respect to all aspects of its pro-
The Ball will feature the music of  gram. It is in this regard that the Ad-
J. Ramsey Peter's octet and will be  visory Council in the four years of its
enhanced by the decorating of the existence has proved to be most help-
Law Wives. David Stackpole, CLSA  ful.
social coordinator, is in  overall  At present the members of the Ad-
sca  odnathe , we . I ing overal visory  Council are: Franklin  S.
charge of the weekend. In noting that Wood, Chairman, of Hawkins, Dela-
ti-is wau the second straight timc
Ti eld and Wood, New  York City;
Theta Delta Chi has allowed the Law  Ezra Cornell III, White & Case, New
School to use their home, he ex-  York City; Robert E. Coulson, Whit-
pressed the appreciation of the school man, Ransom & Coulson, New York
for their hospitality.                   (CONTINUED ON PAGE 6)
Keeler, Martin, Shalov, Meyer Head
List Of Prize Winners For Last Year
The Cornell Law School has announced the awards for general
academic achievement and for top honors in various courses by stu-
dents in the school. The winners have recently been notified of their

The Frazer Prizes of $100 and $50
went to John Keeler and Douglas
Martin, respectively. The award goes
annually to those students who have
most fully evidenced high qualities of
mind and character by superior scho-
lastic achievement and by those qual-
ities which earn the commendation of
teachers and fellow students.
The Boardman Prize of $100 was
given to H. Theodore Meyer, for the
best work done to the end of his sec-
ond year in the judgment of the fac-
For the best work done in the third
year comprehensive examinations in,
cluding the memorandum of law, the
Carey Prizes went to Martin (first
prize of $125) and to Alan Shalov
(second prize of $75.)
The Louis Kaiser Prize of $50
went to Roger Strand for the Fall
Term and to C. Stanley Lomax for
the Spring   Term. The prize is
awarded to the student judged by the
faculty to rank highest in upperclass
moot court work.
A subscription to United States
Law Week was awarded to Bennett.
Gordon as the student who achieved
the most satisfactory scholastic prog-
ress during his final year of law
A complete set of New York, Ap-
pellate Division and Miscellaneous
Reports, 2d series, together with a
one year's subscription to the Official

Anglican Archbishop
Speaks On Apartheid
The Rev. Dr. Joost de Blank,
Anglican Archbishop of Cape-
town, South Africa, giving the an-
nual Myron Taylor lectureship in
the  Law   School Moot Court
Room on Oct. 5, delivered a
heavily-documented denunciation
of Dutch-Reformed Church and
government apartheid policies in
Since the church that supports the
government in power is one that ad-
vocates apartheid, the whole Chris-
tian cause stands condemned by the
African people of the continent as a
result, he said. This is the unique
tragedy of our situation.
Great Progress By Blacks
While the blacks remained unedu-
cated heathen, he said, they pre-
sented little problem. But in the space
of comparatively few years the Afri-
cans have made great progress.
The industrial development of the
country, which has brought labor in
hundreds of thousands from the re-
mote'rural areas to the towns, has ur-
banized the African and detribalized

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