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9 Copp's Land Owner 1 (1882-1883)

handle is hein.journals/coplndow9 and id is 1 raw text is: COPP'S LAND OWNER.


No. 1.

Editorial Iteins-Ereka Springs Case-Copp's
Public   Land Laws-Special Announcement-
Land   Personals ..........  .........................  1
N eils, Larson  et at ....................................  2
Roberts vs. Foote ..........                              3
Josiah Gentry-Wn. E. Morris --Robinson             s.
Mayger-Gustavus Ilagland ......................         5
Sarah Leonard-Joseph 1). Sharp .................. 6
Thomas Madigan-G. E.Van Ostrand-Evan Ellis.              7
Francis A. Stroup- ohn H. Lessinger-Bates vs.
Reed .............................................      8
Wight vs. St. ilernard Mining Co.-Herbert vs.
Reed -Carduff vs. Cornmack ......................       9
Central Pacific, Successor to California & Oregon
R ailroad  Co .........................................  n
New Mexico & Southern Pacific I. E. Company..            11
R ancho  A lisal .........................................  11
J. C. Guffin and Wife vs. Edward Linney-Neer
vs.  W illiam s ............. .........................  13
St. Louis Sinelting and Refining Co. vs. Kenip. 14
M iller  vs. Taylo   ...  ..............................  20
Suggestions of Chief Justice        Prince, of New
M exico  ..............................................  21
Gilmore vs. The Ontario Iron CO ................... 21
Allspach's Case-Refunding         Excess Purchase
M on ey  ..............................................  21
United States vs. John Mnllan et al................      25
[o  dlelbauni  vs. T urne .............................  27
Flynn vs. Stiles-C. SC. Cook .........................   28
Town   of Bellevue ..........  .........................  28
Public  Land   Iaws ...................................  2
M ineral  Patents ......................................  30
Cash  P atents ..........................................  30
Hom  estead  Patents ..................................  31
PROFESSIONAl. CARDS.                   PAGE
Curtis & Burdett.            taigton.  . ...............  1
Capt. John Mullan, Sai Francisco & Washington.            I
D. H. Talbot, Sioux City, lowa .....................      I
M. D. lrainard, 'V ashington. 1). C .................      1
Ellery C. Ford, W5 ashington, 1). C .................     I
Drununond & Bradford, Washington. 1). C ......
W. K. Mendenhall. Washington, 1). C ..............         I
L. C. Black. Cincinnati, Ohio .......................     I
Julialn & Mcloy, NTashington, I). C................       I
W(. J. Johnston, Washington, 1). ( ................     lV
Jno. H. N oorhees. \Vashington, D. C.............. 1
Hillyer & Ralson. Vashington, D. C .............. IV
A. St. C. Denver, W     .ashington, D. C ............... IV
Chas. & George A. King, Wraslington, 1). C ....... IV
Walter Ht. snith, Washington, D. C ............... IV
,lohn S. Hauke, Washington, D. C ................. IV
H. J. Frost, WVashinglon. D. C .................... IV
Mcel 'arland & Farr, Sacramnento, Cal .............. I
Evans. Padgett & Emnons Washington,                     IV. C.... iv
Land   Dire  to       ..........................   .
American Settler's Gaide ........................... III
Copp's Land Owner- Bound ....................... III
Copp's Public Land Laws .......................... III
Index to Land Owner .................                   III
Morrison's Transcripts ..........................IIi
Munn   & Co., Patents ................................ III
Copp's U. S. Mineral Lands ........................ III
~opp's American Mining Code .................... IV

Entered at the Post Office at Washington, D. C., as house. Will he let the speculator fore-
second-class matter...                   stall him, and go on for the rest of his
THIS paper furnishes more valuable law inforntu- life paying rent ?-Exchanrie.
tion for less money, and is read by more land attor.
neys and real estate dealers, by more homestead,
preemption, and other land claimants, and by snore
mine owners, engineers, and superintendents, than AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS IN 1882.
any other .             .   .      ..plictio in the United States.  The American Newspaper Directory,
ALL Registers and Receivers of the U. S. which will be issued next month by Geo-
land offices are authorized to receive sub- P. Rowell & Co., of New York, will con.
scriptions for this paper.               tain the names of 10,611 periodicals in the
United States and Territories, which is a
PAnTIEs renewing subscriptions will find gain of 344 in the year just passed. The
it to their advantage to enclose $1 addi- number of daily papers has increased in a
tional for their cards in the Land Direc- somewhat larger proportion, and is now
tory.                                    represented by a tptal or 996 against 921
in 1881. The largest increase has been in
EUREKA SPRINGS CASE.                New York-10 dailies, 29 of all sorts.
The Secretary's decision of March 9, Illinois and Missouri show a percentage
1882, in case of Eureka Springs, Arkansas, of gain which is even greater, while Cod-
is entirely unimportant. so far as any rado leads all others inthe percentage of
question of law is concerned. The ques- increase, both of daily and weekly issues.
tion decidedis one of fact viz., is the land         ---
in contest mineral or agricultural in char-  THE new edition of the Settler's Guide
acter? The land is held to be agricultural, is now ready for delivery. Quite a be-
maud for this little book is coming from
NEW    COPP'S PUBLIC LAND             Europe, one of the latest orders being
LAWS.                    from Italy.

We have ill preparation V-olme 2 of
Copp's Public Land Laws, intended to
supplement the voltne published in 1875.
A detailed statement of its plan and scope
will be published at an early (late.
The second edition of  Copp's U. S.
Mineral Lands, will be isssiled during
May. More than 600 of the estimated 700

OWING to the pressure on our columns,
we publish this month a double number,
36 pages inclding tile cover. In view of
the valuable contents, a large edition is
lprinted to supply the expected extra de-
inand. It will be observed that the Su-
preme Court decision in the St. Louis
Snmelting Company ease from Leadville, is
printed ill full.

pag .e  s  P  Ic   1  JI I..  1. L   -  ., I
new rulings and decisions have been added        LAND    PERSONA LS.
and all worthless matter has been omitted.  ATTENTION is called to tie card of Esanis,
The prices will be $6.00 and $4.00, owiig  Padgett & Emmons, oin last page of cover.
to the increased size of the book.      iThis is a new  firm, of which Richard
- -. Evans, the well-known Washington
RENT is a vampire that, like interest, attorney, is senior partner.
sticks and draius the life front energy and  (GEN. ELLERY (l. FORD, formerly head of
hope. It is a treadmill, whose ceaseless tile miing bureau of the General Land
turn wears out life iii poverty, deprivinlg Oftice, was attorney for the applicants in
it of half its joys, recreations and pleas- Ithe Shanms O'Brien case, (decision pub-
ures. I)o you, an   intelligent, s-ims~ble lisied elsewhere), whiie incohhes several
man, ask how you can help yourself i-'nporLant questions under the mininglaws.
We answer, build youtself a home of'Alo lied imlortant decision in a mining
your oi1, and Vol' wiil ha:e madie q 'ease where the successful parties were rep-
change in your circumstanecs thii will resevtEd t3 General Ford. is crowded out
affect your whole life. You will have    !hs   nt,, t ill appear in the May
taken the first grand step towards coi-ll i-sue. •
petence and   independence.   You Wil.    N 'lil' ILESEY, DAVS & WinTTLESEY,is the
have an object imi life worth the exertion style of a new law partnership in GnuInnison,
yo resolve to make. You will no longer Colorado, consisting of young gentlemeln
be pouring water on the ,and. In all from Washington, who are attracted to the
soberness and truth, we believe that tile Centennial State by its richness and enter-
time is fast passing when it will be possi- prise.  Their many friends wish them
ble for the poor iflnan to get himself a wholesale, success.


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