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48 Comp. Pol. Stud. 3 (2015)

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                                                   Comparative Political Studies
                                                        2015, Vol. 48(l) 3-34
Lost Autonomy,                                         @ The Author(s) 2014
                                                     Reprints and permissions:
Nationalism           and cisagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav
                                                DOI: 10.1177/0010414013516927
Separatism                                                 cps.sagepub.com

David   S. Sirokyl   and   John  Cuffe2

Case  studies suggest that ethnic groups with autonomous   institutional
arrangements  are more  prone  to secede, but other  evidence indicates
that autonomy reduces the likelihood of secession. To address this debate,
we  disaggregate their autonomy status into three categories-currently
autonomous,  never  autonomous,  and  lost autonomy-and   then unpack
how  each shapes the logic of collective action. We argue groups that were
never autonomous  are unlikely to mobilize due to a lack of collective action
capacity, whereas currently autonomous groups may have the capacity but
often lack the motivation. Most important, groups that have lost autonomy
often possess both strong incentives and the capacity to pursue secession,
which facilitates collective action. Moreover, autonomy retraction weakens
the government's ability to make future credible commitments to redress
grievances. We test these conjectures with data on the autonomous status
and separatist behavior of 324 groups in more than  100 countries from
I960  to 2000. Our  analysis shows clear empirical results regarding the
relationship between autonomy  status and separatism. Most notably, we
find that formerly autonomous groups are the most  likely to secede, and
that both currently autonomous and  never autonomous  groups are much
less likely.

'Arizona State University, Tempe, USA
2University of California, Irvine, USA
Corresponding Author:
David S. Siroky, School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University, P.O. Box
873902, Tempe, AZ 85287-3902, USA.
Email: david.siroky@asu.edu

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