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44 Comp. Pol. Stud. 3 (2011)

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                                               Comparative Political Studies
                                               44(1) 3-27
Do     Migrants Im          prove              ©TheAuthor(s) 2011
                                               Reprints and permission: http://www.
Their Hometowns?                               sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav
                                               DOI: 10. 1177/00104140 10381073
Rem      ittances and                          http://cps.sagepub.com

Access to Public                               OSAGE

Services in Mexico,


Claire   L. Adida     and  Desha M. Girod 2

How   do citizens in developing countries access public services? Scholars
study this question  by emphasizing  the role of government,  measuring
government   performance  as household access to public services, such as
clean water and sanitation. However, the authors argue that the state does
not hold a monopoly   on provision of such utilities: Citizens in developing
countries often turn to  nonstate providers for basic utilities. In Mexico,
the authors find that direct money transfers from migrants, known as re-
mittances, are used to provide  household  access to public services. The
statistical analysis across Mexico's 2,438 municipalities demonstrates that
citizens improve their own access.The results also contribute new evidence
to the literature on remittances and development by offering a micro-level
explanation for how remittances affect both the availability and the source
of basic utilities. The findings suggest that the measures scholars typically
associate with government performance  may in fact capture nonstate provi-
sion of basic utilities.

University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
2Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA

Corresponding Author:
Desha M. Girod, Georgetown University, Department of Government, Intercultural Center
659, Washington, DC 20057-1034
Email: dmg78@georgetown.edu

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