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2 C. L. Bull. 1 (1969-1970)

handle is hein.journals/colewbult2 and id is 1 raw text is: As the fall terms begin at American colleges and universities, a record number of stud
cases are pending before federal and state courts. The cases ivolve not only the fanmil
academic freedom, speech, demonstrations, and disciplinary procedures, but also new k
non-resident tuition to name one.
In the coming months the BULLETIN will report the most significant and recent
pending and decided. Readers who know of other new cases are urged to commun

USNSA Congress
The USNSA Legal Rights Program presented a series
of seminars and workshops at the Association's Con-
gress in El Paso, August 19-30. The program was di-
rected towards imparting a basic understanding of a
student's rights while at school.
During the Congress there were sessions on disci-
plinary codes, privacy, search and seizure, First
Amendment rights, doublejeopardy/jurisdiction, equal
protection; and black studies and the law. There were
also workshops concerning legal defense networks and
funds as well as scho'ol judicial systems.
The sessions were led by members of the Legal
Rights staff, and attorneys serving as resource person-
nel. Attorneys in attendance at the Congress were
Michael Nussbaum, Washington, D.C., USNSA's gen-
eral counsel; Roy Lucas, New York, Armand Derfner,,
Jackson, Mississippi, and Sander Karp, Milwaukee,
Mr. Nussbaum is the author of NSA's forthcoming
booklet entitled GUIDE   TO  STUDENT LEGAL
RIGHTS. Mr. Lucas is editor-in-chief of the BULLE-
TIN and author of Toward a Democratic University;
The Rights of Students and Faculty, which will bel
published next spring.
In addition to formal presentations at the Congress,.
much time was spent in individual consultations with
delegates from schools attending the Congress. This
provided an opportunity for them to discuss their
problems in detail with the staff and attorneys.
Problems which frequently appeared during the
consultations included incorporation of student gov-7
ernments, retention of attorneys for the student gov-
ernment, student control over student activity funds,
dormitory regulations, student participation in univer-

sity governance, and rules, regulations, and procedures
which denied substantive and/or procedural due pro-
cess. The perennial problem  of how students can
participate in and effect change in the university was
present as a recurring theme.
Freedom of Speech -
Due Process in Disciplinary Hearings:
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed
a decision by a Tennessee federal district court,
ruling that Tennessee A.&I. stude 3ts were not de-
prived of freedom of speech nor due process of law
in connection with their expulsions from that in-
Jones v. Tennessee State Board of Education, 279
F.Supp. 190 (M.D. Tenn. 1968) (Miller,  DJ/.)affd
on authority of opinion below, , 407 F.2d 834 (6th
Cir. 1969), petition for cert. filed June 19, 1969,
dating back to expulsions in 1967, is presently before
the Supreme Court for possible review. Both the fed-
eral district court and the court of appeals for the
Sixth Circuit have ruled that the Tennessee A.&I.
students involved were not denied their rights to
freedom of speech nor due process of law. The stu-
dents had engaged in leafletting activities and ctiti-
cism of the administration. They were expelled by a
disciplinary committee, members of which were wit-
nesses against them. The students now seek further
review by the Supreme Court. Their arguments are
as follows:
1. That they were expelled for engaging in speech
and leafletting activities in violation of the First
and Fourteenth Amendments.

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