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41 Com. L.J. [i] (1936)

handle is hein.journals/clla41 and id is 1 raw text is: Commercial Law Journal

Volume 41
No. 1

T he  P resident's  P age               -- - - ---------------------------------------------. ----. -------. ---. --------..................*.- 4
Problems of Unemployment Compensation, Charles N. Orr ---------------..----- 5
The Bench, the Bar and the Public, Lewis Howell Smith ----------......------------- 8
Is Bankruptcy  Jurisdiction  Exclusive? Reuben  G. Hunt --------.....----------.15
Law and Modern Piracy, James J. Lenoir --......................................----------------18
Chicago Members' Association Dinner -----------      ...............---------  ------------------- 22
Censorship at Common Law and Under Modern Dispensation,
Garrard  Glenn  ----------------------------------.-.------....................---------------------------- - - - - -  23
The Challenge of the Times, Samuel Thomas Bledsoe ------------------      30
Other People's Business, Edward F. Flynn -----.................................------------ 36
Federal Licensing Power, 0. R. McGuire --------------..................----------------------- 41
T he  E ditor's  P age-------------------------------.-------- ........................---------------------....---  . . 45
Regarding the Missouri Situation, Livingston E. Osborne -----------....-----  46
Personal Items-------.-.-----------------.-.-.----------------.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.--....--- -- ----- - - - - ------------  47
R o l l   o f   H o n o r   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-- - - - - - - - - - -   4 7
Applicants Who Have Been Elected to Membership ...................................-48
Applications  for  M embership  ------------------------------ ------------..............------------------- 48
Associate Editors

Herbert M. Bierce, Winona
Matthew Brown, Boston
John McNeil Burns, Detroit
Wilmer T. Fox, Jefferson-
ville, Ind.
Cassius E. Gates, Seattle
Dudley A. Gaylord, Buffalo
Michael Gesas, Chicago

Reuben G. Hunt, Los An-
Carl H. Langknecht, Kansas
Charles N. Orr, St. Paul
David Rosner, Denver
Albert J. Sanders, Cleveland

Officers of the League
President, G. Dexter  Blount ........................ -- .. Denver
Vice-President, George Burns ----------    Rochester
Treasurer, Thad. M. Talcott, Jr ..............South Bend
Recording Secretary, John Niehaus ----------------- -Peoria
Executive Secretary, Martin J. Teigan -------------- Chicago
Executive Committee
G. Dexter Blount, Chairman ---.-.----- ......................--------------- Denver
Thad. M. Talcott, Jr.    ----                     South Bend.
Frank M. Ely -.........------ Chicago  Arthur Schwartz ---- New York
Wm. G. Pickrel ----........Dayton  Abraham Lieberman,Union City
A. . George-.......New York     Robert A. B. Cook -........Boston
Wm. B. Henderson, Minneapolis    Dawson E. Bradley.Cincinnati
Entered as second-class matter, August 9, 1930, at the Post-office at Chicigo,
Ill., under the Act of March 3, 1879.

A   Nd

Published Monthly by
111 West Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois
nts a Copy                                  $3.00 a Year

25 Ce

Tel. Central 4942

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