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15 Charleston L. Rev. [i] (2020-2021)

handle is hein.journals/charlwrev15 and id is 1 raw text is: CHARLESTON LAW REVIEW
Volume 15                      Fall 2020                    Number 1
SUBSCRIPTIONS: The subscription rate is $50 per year. Subscriptions can
be purchased from William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 1285 Main Street, Buffalo, New
York 14209-1987, telephone number: (800) 828-7571.
SUBMISSIONS: The Charleston Law Review welcomes articles, essays, and
reviews on all legal topics. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts
electronically  in  Microsoft   Word    or    WordPerfect   format    to
clrsubmissions@charlestonlaw.edu.  Submissions can also be mailed to:
Charleston Law Review, Attn: Submissions, 81 Mary Street, Charleston, South
Carolina 29403-6249.
The Charleston Law Review considers submissions of all lengths, but gives
preference to articles of fewer than 32,000 words. Text and citations should
conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed. 2015).
Footnotes are preferred over endnotes. We encourage authors to include a brief
abstract of the submission, as well as the author's curriculum vitae. Please
include current contact information with submitted materials. We regret that
manuscripts cannot be returned.
Please allow 2-4 weeks for processing of all electronic submissions, and 8-10
weeks for all mailed submissions. The Law Review gives consideration to each
author's submission and makes every effort to provide a prompt review. Submit
expedited review requests to clrsubmissions@charlestonlaw.edu. Include your
name, phone number, e-mail address, the name of the journal that has offered
publication, and the date by which an answer is requested. Submit withdrawal
requests to clrsubmissions@charlestonlaw.edu. Include your name, the title of
your submission, and the reason for withdrawal.
CONTENT: The Charleston Law Review conforms to The Bluebook: A Uniform
System of Citation (20th ed. 2015) and the Texas Law Review Manual on Usage
& Style (14th ed. 2017). Views expressed within articles are those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Charleston Law Review.
COPYRIGHT: Except as otherwise noted, the Charleston Law Review is
pleased to grant permission for the copying of articles, notes, and book reviews
for classroom use, provided that (1) a proper notice of copyright is attached to
each copy (Reprinted with permission of the Charleston Law Review, Vol.
pp. ), (2) the author and source are identified, (3) copies are distributed at or
below cost, and (4) the Charleston Law Review is notified of the use.
C Copyright 2020, Charleston Law Review
This REVIEW is to be cited as CHARLESTON L. REV.
ISSN 1934-4473

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