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56 Can. Bus. L.J. i (2014-2015)

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Canadian Business Law

                          DECEMBER 2014, VOLUME 56 NUMBER I

 REVUE Canadienne

 du droit de commerce
                          DECEMBRE 2014, VOLUME 56 NUMERO 1

 Editor in Chief / Rddacteur en chef
 ANTHONY DUGGAN, B.A. (Melb.), LL.M. (Toronto), LLD. (Melb.)
 Faculty of Law, University of Toronto

 Editor in Chief Emeritusi Rdacteur en chef emirite
 Faculty of Law, University of Toronto

 Book Review Editor] Rddacteur de la Bibliographie
 JASSMINE GIRGIS, BA. (Calgary), J.D. (Western), LL.M. (Cambridge)
 Faculty of Law, University of Calgary

 The Canadian Business Law Journal is available online from Canada Law Book;
 in addition, back issues three years and older are available at HeinOnline.


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