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28 Bialostockie Studia Prawnicze 7 (2023)

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                               Bialystok Legal  Studies
                           Bialostockie  Studia Prawnicze
                                  2023  vol. 28 no. 1

      S C{ e n d o                                  DOI:  10.15290/bsp.2023.28.01.01

                                                                 Received: 26.09.2022
                                                                 Accepted: 23.01.2023
Magdalena  Budyn-Kulik
University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska in Lublin, Poland
ORCID   ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3258-9855

           Penetration of Cultures, Penetration of Crimes:
                          Who Do Borders Protect?

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to highlight some implications of the creation of closed, culturally
alien communities and the possible consequences of their functioning from a criminological and
victimological perspective. Various processes emerging since about the second half of the 20th century,
in Europe as well as in the United States of America, have caused cultural transformations leading to the
emergence of cultural pluralism (polyculturalism, multiculturalism) in various forms. This represents
one of the greatest challenges of the modern world on many levels, including prophylaxis and crime
prevention. Of particular concern is the issue of assessing the behaviour of an offender belonging to
a closed, culturally different group. variants of such a situation can be considered - when the perpetrator
and the victim belong to culturally different communities or the same one, and depending on whether
the perpetrator's behaviour constitutes an act judged negatively in the closed group to which they belong
or whether it fulfils the characteristics of a crime in the legal system of the external community.
Keywords: borders, crime, multiculturalism


     The topics of this volume of the journal are primarily associated with cross-bor-
der crime, against or by refugees and/or  migrants. I would like to propose looking  at
the border  issue from a slightly different perspective. The world of the 21st century
is, on the one hand, open and  multicultural, and various measures  are being taken, at
least in some parts of it, to make borders the least possible restriction on the move-
ment  of people, goods and services. On  the other hand, there are tendencies to divide
societies into smaller groups, isolated from the others. The criteria for these divisions

© 2023 Magdalena Budyn-Kulik published by Sciendo.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attri-                              7
bution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.

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