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6 Bench & B.: Nat'l Legal Newspaper 1 (1936)

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Vol. 6                        January, 1936                      No. I

53 Take Silk
In Manitoba
And Ontario
The following were named King's
Counsel in the New Year's honours
in Manitoba:
M. J. Finklestein, C. M. Graban,
J. K. Morton, A. S. Morrison, and
B. V. Richardson, all of Winnipeg;
and F. L. Davis of Neepawa.
Forty-seven new K.C.'s have been
named by Attorney-General Arthur
Roebuck, K.C. Fourteen of them are
Toronto men.
Toronto men on the list art: G. W.
Adams, A. H. Beaton, H. B. Bell,
Robert Forsythe, Ross Hossack, R. E.
Laidlaw, T. D. Leonard, E. Lavering,
Benjamin Luxenberg, J. C. M. Mac-
Beth, G. McLaughlin, J. D. McNish,
J. L. Prentice, Walter Thomson.
Others on the list are: W. Bartlett,
W. H. Furlong, Windsor; A. W. Bix-
ell, S. E. Bolton, F. Honeywell, W.
Unger, Ottawa; C. A. Cameron,
Belleville; E. W. Clairmont, Graven-
hurst; J. B. Dalzell, Galt; R. Danis,
Cornwall; L. A. Dauncey, Goderich;
C. G. Dynes, J. J. Hunt, Hamilton;
T. Forrestel, Fort Erie; D. Forrester,
Paisley; H. Hamilton, J. A. MacInnes,
Sault Ste. Marie; Frank Hammond,
Barrie; J. G. Harvie, Orillia; V. H.
Hatton, Kitchener; R. G. Ivey, Lon-
don; Dean Kester, Timmins; R. F.
Lyle, Morrisburg; W. H. Ormiston,
Uxbridge; A. G. Parrish, Brockville;
F. L. Pearson, Woodstock; Morgan
Riddell, Stratford; Wilson Robinson,
Oakville; J. G. Stambury, Exeter;
Clarence Tuer, Haileybury; R. J.
Waterous, Brantford; 0. K. Watson,
Ridgetown; J. A. Wilson, Fergus.
During 1935, 1741 suits were en-
tered in the Superior Court of Que-
bec. This is an increase over the
previous year when    1239 actions
were taken. Judgments rendered in
1935 totalled 263 compared with 272
in 1934.
The recent application of the Na-
tional Trust Company Limited, re-
ceiver and manager of Great Lakes
Paper Co. Ltd., and trustee under a
$10,000,000 bond mortgage, for an
order approving a sale to John E.
Gefaell and Lynn E. Aldrich, of all
the assets of the Great Lakes Paper
Company Limited, brought forth an
array of eminent counsel at Osgoode
Hall, Toronto.
Included among the counsel on the
application which came before Mr.
Justice MvEvoy at Osgoode Hall
were I. F. Hellmuth, K.C. and H. M.
Tory  appearing for the National
Trust Co. Ltd; W. N. Tilley, K.C.
and A. J. Thompson, K.C., for J. E.
Gefaell, and L. E. Aldrich, D. W.
Lang, K.C. for the Minister of Lands
and Forests of Ontario; R. S. Rob-
ertson, K.C., for C. C. Calvin, a bond-
holder; Beverley Matthews for In-
land Coal and Dock Company, cre-
ditors; George  Gale for another
bondholder. A. G. Slaght, K.C., ap-
peared  for  Western   Investments
Limited; N. W. Rowell, K.C., for the
Dominion Bank, Continental Illinois
National Bank and Trust Company
of Chicago, and D. L. McCarthy,
K.C. and G. R. Munnoch, K.C., for
The Mutual Life Assurance Co. and
bondholders representing $2,254,000.
The Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen, K.C.,
chairman of the Bondholders' Pro-
tective Committee, was also present.



Lawyers Fill Various Positions
Bar Associations Hold Meetings

Heads Benchers
W. H. B. Spotton, K.C., Moose Jaw,
Sask., was elected, president of the
benchers of the Law Society of Sas-
katchewan for 1936, at the quarterly
convocation held in Regina. P. M
Anderson, K.C., M.L.A., is vice-
Vice Consul
Richard A. Biggs has been named
Swedish vice-consul for Toronto by
a Swedish Royal Commission.
Heads Bar Association
E. W. S. Kane has been elected
president of the Edmonton Bar As-
sociation, succeeding Boyd McBride,
K.C. The vice-president of the as-
sociation is Bruce V. Massie, while
H. T. Emery is secretary-treasurer.



In our November issue we noted
the appointment to the Bench of the
Supreme Court of British Columbia
of Alexander Malcolm Manson, K.C.
Mr. Justice Manson has now been
sworn in and his elevation recalls to
mind a career of which the keynote
has been untiring effort to serve both
the public and his clients.
W. N. Wickwire, prominent young
Halifax barrister, was elected presi-
dent of the Junior Bar Society of
Nova Scotia, at the annual meeting
held in the Court House in Halifax
recently. He succeeds Donald Mc-
Innes. The president in his pre-
liminary remarks suggested a fur-
ther expansion and a more inclu-
sive tableau of gatherings and activi-
ties for the coming year.
Other officers elected were as fol-
lows: -
Honorary President-F. D. Smith,
K.C., president of the Nova Scotia
Bar Association.
1st Vice-President  Frank McIn-
2nd Vice - President - Donald G.
Secretary-Joseph J. Powell.
Treasurer-C. W. Clarke.
Halifax Council Donald McInnis,
R. A. Ritchie, Julius Rosenblum, R.
A. Donahoe, T. D. MacDonald, Leo
Rooney, Thomas Coffin.
Provincial Council     Alexander
MacKinnon, Inverness; Alexander
O'Handley, Victoria; John J. Cope-
land, Richmond; Oswin Macdonald,
Antigonish; Duncan Finlayson and
C. M. Rosenblum, Cape Breton; A.
W.   Cameron,    Guysboro;   Cyril
Coughlan, Lunenburg; Gerald Stew-
art, Queens; Edward White, Shel-
burne; P. L. Judge, Yarmouth; Har-
old Nichols, Digby; Harrison Dow-
ell,  Annapolis;  Gerald   Dwyer,
Kings; A. G. MacDonald, Hants; E.
C. Hicks, Cumberland; G. J. Smith,
Colchester; John MacQuarrie, Pictou.
Gerald  Coleman   was appointed
play manager and coach for the As-
sociation's hockey team.
A hearty vote of thanks was ten-
dered to Donald McInnis and other
members of the retiring executive
for their fine work during their term
of office.

A seemingly infinite capacity for
work has frequently been extended
to its utmost. Had Mr. Manson chosen
to limit his hours of work to those
which are generally deemed sufficient
to the profession, to limit his clients
to those who could pay a reasonable
return for the services rendered, he
would today be a wealthy man, but
he has never considered service from
a pecuniary aspect. The good of
the cause has always meant far more.
It was once said of him that his re-
creation was Work.
Mr. Manson comes by his indus-
try  through  ancestors of similar
character. He was born of a Scottish
father   and  a  Scotch - Canadian
mother, the daughter of the late
Alexander McTavish, one of the
well known    pioneers of Western
Ontario. In his early education he
showed marked aptitude and ability
at the University of Toronto where
he was a first-class honour man
throughout his whole course and
later at Osgoode Hall.
It is interesting to note how the
law  partnership  of Williams and
Manson began. Two students sat in
the library of Osgoode Hall in June
(Continued on page 3)
Judge Gregory Barrett of the cen-
tral judicial district of Manitoba,
Judge S. E. Clement of the western
judicial district, Judge F. E. E.
Simpson of the northern judicial
district, and Judge A. L. Bonny-
castle of The Dauphin judicial dis-
trict, have  been  appointed  local
judges of the Court of King's Bench
of Manitoba. The appointments are
for the duration of the time the
judges hold the office of County
Court judge for the district to which
they were appointed.
Interesting  Cases  ...................... 3
Drunken Drivers     ..    . 4
Financial Digest .......    5
Comment on Recent Case      5
Recent Decisions........ 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12

Melville M.L.A.
E. W. Gerrand, K.C., of the firm
of McKim   and Gerrand, Melville,
Sask., will represent Melville riding
in the provincial legislature, having
been elected by acclamation to suc-
ceed Hon. J. G. Gardiner.
Hamilton Mayor
William  Morrison, K.C., former
member of Hamilton East in the On-
(Continued on page 3)
J. A. Clark, K.C., was elected
president of the Vancouver Bar As-
sociation st the annual meeting held
at the beginning of December in the
Hudson's  Bay   Company    dining-
room  in Vancouver. The retiring
president, Mr. A. Alexander, re-
ceived a hearty   ovation  for the
splendid work which he had done
during the past year
Mr. Alfred Bull, K.C., was elected
vice - president and Mr. W. H. S.
Dixon secretary-treasurer. On bal-
lot the following executive commit-
tee were declared elected: F. K. Col-
lins, J. V. Clyne, Clarence Darling,
Ghent Davis, W. S. Lane, R. L. Mait-
land, K.C., J. E. McMullen, K.C., A.
deB. McPhillips, Ian Shaw, Sidney
Smith, R. P. Stockton and Knox
The annual meeting of the Regina
Bar Association was held on the 26th
of November and took the form of a
Mr. Justice Turgeon, Mr. Justice
Mackenzie, Mr. Justice Martin and
Mr. Justice Gordon of the Court of
Appeal, and Chief Justice Brown,
Mr. Justice H. Y. MacDonald of the
Court of King's Bench, and Judge
Doak and Judge Bryant of the Dis-
trict Court, were guests.
Mr. Justice Gordon   and Judge
Bryant were the guest speakers.
Col. J. A. Cross, K.C., proposed
the toast to the Bench and Bar, mak-
ing special reference in his remarks
to the new    appointments to, the
bench in Saskatchewan. Mr. Justice
Turgeon replied on behalf of the
Mr. Justice Gordon in his address
dealt with certain phases of proce-
dure in the courts of Ontario, giv-
ing his personal experience in prac-
tising in the various courts in the
city of Toronto.
Judge Bryant expressed his pleas-
ure at being present and his regrets
on leaving so many old friends in
the city of Regina.
Officers of the association elected
for the ensuing year are as follows:
President, D. A. Grant; vice-presi-
dent, J. W. Hill; secretary, D. M.

Consternation  reigned in
many centres in Canada fol-
lowing re-publication of the
edict of the courts in Warsaw
banning the use of bikes by
barristers except in spare time.
Apparently  many   Canadian
men of the law   pedal their
way about the courts and it is
feared that a special meeting
of the C.B.A. might be called
to follow the lead of Poland.
It is possible that scooters and
roller skates may be added,
thus making the matter of
more far-reaching import. We
propose to follow jealously the
actions of the C.B.A. in the
interest of all pedalers.
His Honour Duncan C. Ross and
His Honour J. J. Coughlin were the
judges chosen by Attorney-General
Arthur W. Roebuck as royal com-
missioners  to investigate  certain
charges made that 26 Toronto con-
stables were members of an organ-
ized gang of thieves known as the
100 per cent. club.
The action of the Ontario attor-
ney-general in appointing two judges
outside of the city of I oronto to act
on the commission has been gener-
ally commended. Both of the judges
appointed, have had   considerable
previous experience as royal com-
His Honour J. J. Coughlin is judge
of the County Court of Essex at
Windsor, and His Honour Duncan C.
Ross, who is a son of the late Sir
George Ross, is the County Court
Judge at St. Thomas for the county
of Elgin.
Norman F. Newton, London crown
attorney, who conducted the prose-
cutions in the Labatt kidnapping
case, is acting as chief counsel to
assist the commissioners, while the
registrar is Cecil Carrick, Toronto
Donald B. Menzies of London, Ont.,
has been named police magistrate
and judge of the juvenile court of
London, succeeding Thomas Scan-
drett, K.C.
J. B. Robinson of New Liskeard
has been appointed Crown attorney
for the district of Temiskaming, re-
placing Edwin E. Peariman of Hai-
leybury, who had filled the position
in an acting capacity since the ap-
pointment of F. L. Smiley, K.C., to
the bench in April, 1934. The new
Crown attorney, who has spent the
greater part of his life in New Lis-
keard, received his education at the
University of Toronto and Osgoode
Hall, and has for several years prac-
tised his profession in his home town.
Raoul Mercier of Ottawa has been
named   Crown   attorney  for  the
county of Carleton, succeeding the
late J. A. Ritchie, K.C., who was
Crown prosecutor from   1897 until
his death recently.
Gerald F. Smith of Napanee has
been appointed Crown attorney for
Lennox and Addington, succeeding
Kenneth S. Ham. Mr. Smith was
burn in Napanee and was called to
the Bar of Ontario in 1929.

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