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39 Animals 1 (1906-1907)

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                                         I would not enter on my list of friends,
                                         Though  graced with polished manners and fine sense,
                                         Yet wanting sensibility, the man
                                         Who  needlessly sets foot upon a worm.- COWPER.

Vol. 39.                                         Boston, June, 1906.                                                    No. 1.

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  Some  forty years ago we felt obliged to be in Boston
every day during the summer, but thought it better to
spend our nights at the seashore. Swampscott  was
then very fashionable, and Marblehead was unheard of
as a summer resort.

  We  applied at a Swampscott  boarding-house, and
the proprietor thought that if we dined in Boston he
could let us have a small room for twenty dollars a
week.  We  could afford it, as we were then unmarried
and getting about five thousand dollars a year out of
our profession (lawyers charged smaller fees in those

days); but as we were about to
conclude  our  negotiation, the
proprietor said to us (evidently
with a feeling of pride), We are
going to have the -s   with us
this year, from which we at once
understood  that whatever  we
might  pay, the -s would
probably have most of the cream,
and  so thought before deciding
we would take a train for Marble-
head  and  explore that  place.
At Marblehead we inquired where
the high school teacher boarded,
and  applied there.  The  good
lady showed us a very comfortable
corner room, for which she thought
that she would have to charge us
about four dollars a week  for
room  and board.  We  inquired
whether she had any other rooms,
and  probably thinking that we
wanted a cheaper one, she showed
us a very large and comfortable
attic room, for which she thought
she would have to charge us about
three dollars and a half for room
and board. The only other room
she had  to spare was the large
chamber over her parlor, with an
open fire place, lots of windows
and  a fine prospect. This room
she intended for a gentleman and
wife, and evidently thought it was
not needed  for a single gentle-
man, but we told her that perhaps
we should get married some time
and would really like to see that
room.   The result was that the
good lady thought if we took that
room she would  have to charge
us for board and room about five
dollars a week. We engaged the
room at once and told her that we
would pay her six dollars, in con-
sequence of which she did every-
thing in her power all summer to
make us happy.
  At Swampscott we  would have
had to pay for a large sail boat
for an afternoon sail five dollars.
  At  Marblehead we  had about
the best boat in the harbor, with
a  cabin that would seat about

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0    PEACE ON EARTH,  :0
  A-    CREA URE.

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