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1 Am. Pol. Thought 1 (2012)

handle is hein.journals/ampolth1 and id is 1 raw text is: 

Greetings from the Editor

The appearance of American  Political Thought marks the coming of age of
American political thought as a developed and mature field of study. With all
the talk of American decline in the air, it might be tempting to think of the
appearance of a journal devoted to American political thought and experi-
ence as yet another instance of Hegel's dictum that the owl of Minerva flies
only at dusk. Perhaps, but as a journal we are certainly not committed to
such a view-nor  are we committed against it. Indeed, we hope that the con-
tinued vitality-or not-of the American political tradition will be one of the
topics debated in the pages of our journal, as it is in part in our opening sym-
posium on American  exceptionalism.
   As editor in chief of American Political Thought, I want not only to take
the opportunity of the appearance of our first issue to greet our readers, our
contributors, and our reviewers but also to say a few words about what we
hope the journal to be. As our subtitle says, we are a journal of ideas, in-
stitutions, and culture. In other words, we are interpreting the idea of Amer-
ican political thought broadly and seek contributions that cover the full range
of topics suggested by that subtitle. Accordingly, we seek to be thoroughly
interdisciplinary, drawing from history, political science, law, literature,
American  studies, philosophy, art history, sociology-whatever fields are in-
terested in American political thought, broadly understood.
   Moreover, we  are not committed to any school of thought or approach
within those disciplines. We wish to be a venue in which the different schools
and approaches can meet-and   perhaps debate-and  not a home for only a
narrow range of work. We would  like American Political Thought to be the
go-to place for all scholars working on the American political tradition no
matter their discipline or approach.
   Our editorial practices attempt to match our editorial goals. In many ways
we operate like other journals. We use a double-blind peer review system, we
use multiple reviewers, and we use an online submissions system. But in some
ways we  are different. We try to carry our interdisciplinary aims so far as
possible. Thus, we usually solicit reviewers for submitted articles both from
the home discipline of the article writer and from some other relevant disci-
pline. We often ask for book reviews by writers outside the discipline of the
book's author.

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