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9 Am. B. News 1 (1964)

handle is hein.journals/ambrnw9 and id is 1 raw text is: a'7~   ~I~~>O ~>    '/75< 'i«7< >'«      S  '~7              >   '<
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>~ A  ~a             ma empane~eo a 5ronp
4 pralified bar lead  to help formulate a rpetsifin          TV    Ne         rk    P
'plan ifoa tading nonfitalon an to fhe laanst'ea of nitive
anh5<aity in ill0 event 6f inabilily of the President of    ~       4J)4             p         1
the IJailad States to ~reafoatn thr5< tinties of his oflioes  (ISe LtL)~Z1                           age
ABAPee eat re LCaa~'eheonnoed hd n~
~rr> as'o t       ~to.reeetin Wasltin  on B C.        at' <A  ON>' to   mao' v      ann ~n we''    ae
an 2G non I ats reach a coneensa at ~ apr to ns~ the Ansiarnan B a on no
tan e nine a ion will he ttanstn t ed to t Law I) y USA bun iii o~njnantron w' the 9G1 o
nad a an Ho' o 1) gatos fata oflitial seasanoe<
~AB pl 'a o it Mynarni t~gsofrhehfouse j Theoae~rninrtt' in te~ Ii rne'sage deag ti'
Fell, 1<1411 The ABA oat ito en won areson use a seance spot nnnriun~ at nt ii th t
totbeB<S. nate ad ny a orinteew' bar w p ortoeh~aanunILawli)e oserwiiceoa
the irene or one eret on.
Invite Len t a ~ Consultants Inn y a
a 'ra o tind eWashingtonaessi&a included ~ w y't ke w
~aoa d at' I 'w a PowelL in, of Biobarond, Va<
Gh'rruan Law      U      htofthefirraseoflllelegnton           A          a   w~ttaf liSA   a
L te k5Ark 4 - t a Gibson, Ghicago, ohairinair tor'ls~yerr>, Ia ~ ii
fimrrairtrlas~  p             1
o   h  Coma 'ee on itoasprudence and L'w If-I' na~          '                        '   r        <tNt  a
Be heat B o   e   - ow York>, forn aj Attoraf    a        -       '                      r               a''
BasaL    'no    Bawd    N'    foarnea',BAPes eat       -                                   t4lrp a
Pof~PaaFa dot I-feared w on '
Aso M    taaTalo    nnai     ofthef wYdrk~' t       ' '>,                                a
School antho     to   'k~TheYerraWtrHa    NoPres'
B at a coarirattee on o fed ral o t'tutron
of B hard'Han   nit   Baa asto N' a       'La     '                                   ~     irwa
0      'a  en
dent   whh      a   wttrthblastilinesso    Pesulen           to  no                              Pr'    y
Wilson   Bean C> los Nalt ag of Geo~g    Wash a nit                    tit           p      $1        Ii
University law      -o  Wa    n~on   BC     eras C           I   .Ort ii      ~     0'        ti alit
A a A ' arrant. n<ot 'Law
Kirby astonrato Isanfeesba o  aw at V ad abut Btrrrer~                          an          Ar      a,  55
sit1>, Nashville Tenn.>,aad Jo  B  F  ar k>,'Ners Noah  -   'P     St Clii    Ut  a-    7
attorney end n>nhoa of en article on preeidentinl inebilitt'
'<a' Iloadlrara Law Review of October '1965         '   K''''               -
Craig raid it was ert-pecteil that Senator Birch ' May U Copies have bees eaderod La use' r~n neiw~rk
Bay IU'lnd~). chnir'aian of ii lodiciary seht'ortrrnitles - panganins by the public serve e prognon directors of tao
on cor>stita~ional an'rondraenls; Coagreisaren Louis f~  National Broarloasriag Coropan>, ~Cnlninbio Bi'oadc~sting
'Wyinsn~ firaraea chairman of the ABA Goarrinitec on      Sastein. Anierican Broadt astor>' Company and Wasting'
Jurisprudence end Law Belorar> and Bepoty Attorney        ouse Bane 'asting Company
General Nicholas doll. Ketreiriradh u ould be invited to  -  Lit's Bay~ again ha  be a tisted as a aecriirrrnenried
p a efore the consultant group durin& its two day ' public service project by the Advertising Council> Inc.
ineci tip           '                                    This action authoriree altocai>on of fare time trim the
an   lienaings   < In telegranis in the consultant   project by the networks as wed as the narinn>'s 1156 rela'
group  President C>.aig said '<'tho legal p<ofess<on has  aition statioa~ arid the S.>tXl() radio stations
the .Arlmgatroa nod responsibility to pros de leadership it>,  Local Distribution  0  Lois Bay chairmen n  a e
clartleiny the situation elating to presidential inabiiity   arid loaal her assoclarlarra have heed asked to' handle
Senator Barb rafor tired tire ABA ho it0,rB rselm'onre its  dosributi n of tim Prima in all local tele'r ~sion stations.
reco< >nrendoii5>mn ni he>'ro~ns planned aaaiy Pus year.  Parna are available from  the ABA at '15<55 enell. (lnl~ts
In 1960 the ABA f'fon e of Delegate  econto I a who'   shenlil he placed so ahet deliveries c<ar he 'nurSe by April
'lotion fat' oring a consi'iiatrnnal amendment to deal with -  U l~ncnl stations will need prints for local proprairnn'inp
the quesiior'i ol Presidential inability. The resolution rando ' in addition in whatever network display the 'n'idssage may
three main   'at .           ~                           receive.     ' ' ~          or> Page .5)

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