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10 Am. B. News 1 (1965)

handle is hein.journals/ambrnw10 and id is 1 raw text is: ~>      7J>
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JAN      6    65
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Ba An     ato         nIL   ew     «on.    h'n>~mteof      no ona    trem     pop nam     hmeAB. prognn>     <in
te  BAR   NEWS. The        'oo--~ap       di napen         t pntp   mufotle. I     ployndo' nhaa'nnea it erpn -~
rogo   4    apa                    oc   on an   t         ty  to o n ate retirement plane.
torn   1984-and lif-nome our e - aai po-ij e  -p op              p     unme      On of-      oat> 'A<   onto ~
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- - ro'ect. Although the - 'me nh e owit th -' ar fri - - radon e an Law B a
th - p o~j e. i complet 7<7< the- chiliut'man o-f tha A ner Can - - ;ThiPCoinmttoe pl on lii dubto t - - en tion - a ortog
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A01 al fort - Se o jdC   cat nadata     w   onfA iii     - efe 0 nm'-'<--'ti op  rtoO on -o -'ta hAn  oo   --haan  -
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- -- may 8 - eadiP for. preliminary pifiheatmun ma  aooner~  -    Th   if -t  th - - impona  mId 8~ tn aho' - - - alan - - -
-Vo't alp'' t -lorio~atoa o 811 ad gf e tot - - to follow theao''aled ordycanonal nyatem in apport'o ' -
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t m op ,m Cooi't deommoiu, to th~< Te'moenee A ha
Legal Servicen   The Mmoyee~ meetinga 0 t    A01 - - -   - d otl e-   oportmo'nno'it canon  Phone landmnar  d
cafr B-ti Aniocmatena Feb 3 o 9 a ew 0- ' ma lie - - aloon included enmahPnhomon~ of die <'one mean en o
-- a local - point - of a~tnnu 1  8   n pp o pa   d  a       role in atom legs-fat m e dmntrietmog
prtmpramon and amos- in the n w  a                           Criminal Law Im-roponala a <P1w xi s-stoat Lan S <t o -
Pi-enideot Lenin 1< Powe I   ma II on en o   17 -      - will anli the 'form to ampp~rt legmntation tham- mm-or1  a - - -
a 'o e ate of rae <~ais-nn« of bar ABA 7<ectmoon and - ii e fedetaf trim- to tid) en make an attemapt op th< <1
no     ou'tomttoe~ room clonety coiwerned s-on the pCOtACto  of the Preamdei<t ot other tederal ohs-mI n the - -  o  -
of    n me legol norm-aeon  The 7or'teren~ e mm-ill dee nan  pronohentinl wicceanion Tlmie s-ta one of the i'ecorr em em
- a co>mrdmeaema coimrae of her eciloO in tee lmeht of eem-'erat  tione of toe Warina fonimiodon  io dccc a Lid  ~' 1 -'
recent deaeo pmenta  Theme include the I  S tinpremne     federat law printed op hy dir a'o'ainatioa of Prenident
Coon decramomi upliolihop the r ght of roe Bcotlmehooo    Kennedy
of iiaifoad Tramnre~n to eppoin>  m ceenod coonnel and      i-i 18     ommoal I       at a I a    00   - favors -
to almannel pn>eonnl in~ ara litigation to them  toO State  88 h aupport of 1  a on to to. ' 'ag. ed   'I courta
- Bar of t elifo'ama  roap lean1 neevicon Andy report, nod -  to releone andL'> im o  op    <a d'f-ndant~ awaiting
the reieiit Raehingloe, 1) C ooiifeeenie on to' <AntOn' trial on rnimiiama - a ~m I a - is ma no eligihio -7<
- nis m  Legal Servicen to ihe 01-tim  Th< lattim 7onfei'eoime  Is- coil and ene~.  o ~  d <a :ho a to  '~ mitt ary -  -  -
rd~ ono>at tItan rOe teilerol gom-er'aneiit ~h n a di Ebo Semimmomi report n-nan emilmericoce han proved to' - -
'(ananna ii  7  ~l                                           otal     a en>2          -

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