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21 Alaska Just. F. 1 (2004-2005)

handle is hein.journals/aljufor21 and id is 1 raw text is: Table 1. Distribution of Sample Observations, by Shift
Designed versus realized sample.
Designed sample  Realized sample
Shift and time              N    Percent   N    Percent
A Shift 11:00 PM to 9:00 AM  21  27.6 %  19   29.2 %
B Shift  7:00 AM to 5:00 PM  32  42.1    25   38.5
C Shift  3:00 PM to 1:00 AM  23  30.3    21   32.3
Total 76             65
Tporting a chronic  of analysis observation sessions (rides)
also often involve  events (activities and encounters) an(
individuals (officers and members of th
refimninary findings  public).
i-related Services   This discussion is a preliminary analysi
by the Justice Cen-  of PASS data consisting of 65 rides, witl
objective of PASS  more than 2,230 events. A ride is an obser
cohol involvement  vation session to which a PASS observer wa
Dter of analysis by  assigned. An event is defined as any actiol
0, where, when and  undertaken or incident participated in by th
)nsequences (eco-  officer observed, either self-initiated or a
institutional, and  the direction of others. That is, event is (
ig the causes of al-  term used to describe what officers did whil(
.rs and incidents  on duty during an observation session.
ol division of the   Table I and Table 2 provide a descriptioi
tment (APD).       of the temporal distribution, by time of da,
and day of week, of the PASS sample. Tabf
I presents a comparison of the distributioi
across time of day for the PASS sample a
he impact alcohol  designed with the sample that was actuall,
4lic has on one as- carried out in the study-the realized sample
'olice Department-
hake findings sen-         Please see Police patrol, page
in Anchorage,
beats were se-       Table 2. Distribution of Sample
ndom sampling         Observations, by Day of Week
permitted to de-       Designed versus realized sample.
vhen  they  wereDeinds                ml    Reizd   a pe
and PASS ob-Deindsml                      Relzdape
'v assivned to   Day of week  N   Percent    N   Percent

Sunday  10     13.2 %
Monday   10     13.2
Tuesday  12     15.8
Wednesday   11     14.5
Thursday  10    13.2
Friday  13    17.1
Saturday  10    13.2
Total 76

8    12.3 %
7    10.8
11    16.9
8    12.3
10    15.4
12    18.5
9    13.8

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