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54 Acta Jur. Hng. 1 (2013)

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1216-2574/USD 25.00                                                ACTA JURIDICA HUNGARICA
0 2013 Akadtmiai Kiadd, Budapest                                    54, No 1, pp. 1-3 (2013)
                                                               DOI 10.1 556/AJur54.2013.1.1



The   First   Hungarian-Italian Comparative Law Workshop
(Budapest, 11 June 2012)

1. Bilateral academic cooperation has  a long-lasting tradition in the Institute for Legal
Studies of the Hungarian Academy  of Sciences. The Institute has already taken part in the
organization of many successful events bringing together Hungarian and foreign scholars in
the last fifty years.' These conferences, legal meetings (rancontres juridiques), or round
table discussions held either in Budapest or abroad always provided a good opportunity for
the exchange  of  ideas and academic  discussions. Moreover,  they made  it possible to
establish well-functioning personal networks being indispensable for any foreign academic
activity. Thus, smaller-scale, discussion-oriented academic events have played an important
role in the work of the Institute.
     In 2012, the Institute made an attempt to revitalize this tradition. In the cooperation of
the Institute and the Law Faculty of Florence a comparative law workshop was held on 11
June.  This workshop   was  aimed  at bringing  together young  Italian and  Hungarian
researchers in order to provide them a proper forum of academic discussion. The Hungarian
participants came from the Institute and various law faculties, while the Italian ones were
doctoral students or post-doctoral fellows of the Comparative and Criminal Law Department
(Dipartimento di diritto comparato e penale) of the Law Faculty of Florence. The workshop
was  dedicated to topics having an apparent comparative nature in order to facilitate the
discussion and common  understanding.
     2. In this number of the Acta Juridica Hungarica  the reader can find seven of the
papers presented and discussed at the workshop in June. The Italian participants wrote four
of them. Stefano Biondi gives an account of the status quo of English and Italian law on the
complex  issue of the legal status of human biological materials, with particular reference to
the regulation of organ transplantations. He argues that a proprietary framework for bodily
parts is not, as some maintain, necessarily incompatible with the respect of human dignity.
He  describes how  the law  escapes this hard issue by  separately addressing specific

     I See, for example: Nagy, J.: VII. Ungarisch - Tschechoslowakie Konferenz. Acta Juridica
Academiae  Scientiarium Hungaricae, (1966) 1-2, 191-200; Lesage, M.: lr rencontre juridique
franco-hongroise (Budapest, 1966. 12-14 octobre). Revue internationale de droit compare, (1967) 3,
703-706;  Ch. K.:  Deuxibme  rencontre juridique franco-hongroise (Paris 1-5 Juin). Revue
internationale de droit compare, (1970) 3, 557-568; Voros, I.: Die dritte ungarisch-sowjetische
Juristentagung in Moskau. Acta Juridica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae, (1971) 1-2, 225-228;
jjje rencontre juridique franco-hongorise (Budapest, 5-9 juin 1972). Acta Juridica Academiae
Scientiarium Hungaricae, (1973) 1-2, 1-103; Lamm, V.: Les quatribmes Journ6es juridiques Franco-
Hongroises (Paris, 3-7 novembre 1975). Acta Juridica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae, (1973)
1-2, 473-479.

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