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12 Air & Space Law. 1 (1997-1998)

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       Forum on

    Air and Spame

;Anierla Bar Aocation_._

      Volume 12, Number 1, Summer 197

      U. S.-Japan Aviation Wars:
      Negotiating Not-Quite-Oper


Ti hot international a'iatin ll
issite this tiiontth is whetlietr tho
U.nited States will agrov( to
negotiate with Jatlin atl aviation
ag. enol other lthan Ollen
Skies. The I lnit(d Shates defines
Opon Skies as a bilateral agret)-
m:ont that places no) restrictions
oin airline flights hllen the
United States and Jalail and
poinits Ityold by U.S. or Japan-
eso airline0s. Tie Japalltse Ilay!
insisted that t hey toot want a now aviation agreenlinl,
but pr()for to ,. soffit govrniental restri:tions
retainedl on IJ.S.-Japlan air service. This would help to
prot(ct their two international airlines against the five
U.S. airlines :urrently serving Japan.
   While this sounds like the script for a classic I.S.-
Japan trado war, pitting the irotectionist Jallane;so


against the fIro-market A mericans, it is nol. A more
liboral agr:enletit, bilt not Upon Skies, deal is sup-
porth(d 1by a inuniher of 1.S. airlines-Ilatith haves like
lhlihtd and have nots like Amirican, Della, and
Continental. Ilowever, one UL.S. airline, Northwest,
(:onlinutes to urge the U.S. govenm'lent to remain firm
in its quiest for Opeui Skies, To comlicate matters,
Open Skies with Japan nay not ihe very oplln lt all.
Japlli's colignsthld, slot-cllonrolled airpoirts have little
rooti for adllitional flights. An Open Skies agreliill
Oil p)1 pelr will not Iiagically I'r.io open skies over
Tokyo's Narita and Osaka's Kaisai ai'ports.
   Open Skies with Japan is, in short, as nitilli a fight
betwen oeni c petiig IU.S. airlines and U.S. regionial
interests as it is a struggle between the IU.S. aind lJapan-
0s5; govcrnuninls. Slot restrid:iolis at the two key
Jalianese airports beg the qieustion of whiIher
iticreased service or comilpet ition will restlt froil U.S.-
                             (Conlild Oil page 6)

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Airport Construction Wrap-Up
Insurance Programs:
A Defense Lawyer's Perspective


Constrlction wrap-u) insuran:e prograns are otlen
uilsd in large cnsitrction projects in lieu of coliveti-
ional insuratice as a way of controlling overall projec/t
costs. With increasing frequency, owtlers, projec(:t tiati-
agors, insuratice broke's, and the aviation insurance
market are discoveritig and utilizing these programs in
ilajor airport coistruction anl expansion )rojects.
   In a construttion wrap-uip insutrance prograin, the
owner and/or project tilanager plrt'chise intStrfince to
protect tliheiselves and the various contractors and
sulbontractors perforning work oil the project. [ Jsu-
illy an insurance  roker will sot ip the prograill,
obt a i ti tle necessary coverages, and alninister tite
prograi. Th  types of insurance typically inclhded i
a wrap-lp inturiance program are general I iability,
builders' risk, and workers' comniipensation and
etnployers' liability. Usaially, each type of' wral)-U p
insurance progran is adtinistered separately. Oice

the contractor or suconitractor's hid is accepted, and
before its work at the site begins, that contractor is
issued a certificate of insurance for its work eil the
                             (conlinued oil page 81)

11. S.-Japin Aviatiotn Wars                 I
Aip'(rt' (onistu'llt( i otn Wrap-Il) It usuraince Prograus  1
Chair's M:ssage                             2
l'dilir's (oliln t
Saftyi Assessniet;t of 'Fo'eign Ail'craft in tin
  Eurollill Unlioln                         :1

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