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12 AGORA Int'l J. Jurid. Sci. 1 (2018)

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AGORA   International Journal of Juridical Sciences, http://univagora.ro/jour/index.vhp/aijjs
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 1 (2018), pp. 01-10

                                   MEMBER STATES

                                         F. Bejan

PhD  Felicia Bejan
Faculty of Political Sciences
University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
*Correspondence:  Felicia Bejan, Faculty of Political Sciences, 59 Calea Plevnei, Bucharest,
E-mail: felicia.bejan@fspub.unibuc.ro


       The  participation right  of employees  to  the administration  and  supervision of
companies  is an aspect that may have a significant influence on the profile of a cross-border
merger.  In European  Law,  this right is protected through article no. 16 of the Directive
2005/56/EC   on  cross-border mergers,  completed  with Regulation(EC)   2157/2001  in the
Statute for a European company  and with Directive 2001/86/EC supplementing  the Statute for
a European  company   with regard to the involvement of employee. The current study aims to
offer an analysis of the transposition of the Article 16 of Directive 2005/56/CE on cross-
border merger  in the national laws of some Member  States and to underline the differences
between  the legal regimes in these legal systems. The research is of interest in the domain,
whereas  the level of employee participation in different states and a comparative perspective
are criteria taken into consideration in the make-decision  process regarding  the country
where  the resulting company from a cross-border merger shall set up its headquarter.

KEYWORDS: employee participation rights, cross-border merger, special negotiating body,
management and supervision bodies, agreements on employees involvement, employee

       Company reorganization through cross-border merger has legal effects on the
employee  rights. The most  well-known  rights are those regarding the safeguarding of the
employee  rights established in their individual and collective labor contracts, which benefit of
a special legal protection through the Directive 2001/23/EC, transposed into national legal
system by the Member   States
       Other  rights that may be affected by such reorganization are less addressed in our
juridical literature2 and refers to the employee participation rights in the administration and

I Regarding the employee protection in the case of company transfer through merger, see I.T. Stefanescu,
Theoretical and practical treaty, Bucharest, Universul Juridic Publishing House, 2012, p 466-474; 0. Tinca,
Critical observation to Law 67/2006 regarding the employees' rights protection in the event of transfer of
undertakings, businesses, or part of undertakings or businesses, Law Review, no 2/2007, pp 62-73, A.Uluitu, The
employee rights in case of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings, Romanian Journal for
Labor Law number 1/2006, pp 28-35 F. Bejan Mergers' implication for employees under Romanian law ,
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, no. 3/2013, p.6-13.F.Bejan, Legal aspects of the
transposition of the Directive 2001/23/EC regarding the safeguarding of employees rights in the event of
transfer in the Romanian Law, Lex Scientia Lesij, Number XX, volume 1/2013, pp 16-23.
2 Regarding the employee participation rights, see B. Keller, The European Company statute-employee
involvement-and beyond, Industrial Relations Journal, Vol. 33, pp. 424-445; F.Bejan, European Union Rules
on employee participation right within the framework of cross-bordee merger, Advances in fiscal, poiitical and

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