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5 AGORA Int'l J. Jurid. Sci. [1] (2011)

handle is hein.journals/agoraijjs2011 and id is 1 raw text is: AGENT SUBSTITUTION AND ASSIGNMENT OF
Dana Lucia Tulai*
The juridical identity of agent substitution is a matter that has not yet
been fully clarified by legal doctrine. However, two classic opinions have
been formed concerning the identification of this legal operation: one
considers agent substitution to be a typical example of subcontract and the
other one assigns to it the characteristics of an assignment of contract.
Keywords: agent, substitution, subcontract, assignment of contract.
As we have shown in another study,' we consider that identiying
agent substitution as a subcontract is only justified in those cases in which
substitution is neither explicitly authorized, nor forbidden by the principal.
Therefore, we intend to clarify whether in other cases, which do not match
the subcontract description, agent substitution could be identified as an
assignment of contract. To support this approach, we have the new
regulations in the Romanian Civil Code, precisely articles 1315-1320, which,
for the first time in our legislation, establish a legal regime for the
assignment of contract, as well as article 2023 of the same code, that
regulates agent substitution.
Juridical Identity and Legal Regime of the Assignment of
Doctrinal controversy subsists in which concerns the juridical identity
of the assignment of contract. Hereby, some authors admit without hesitation
the existence of an authentic assignment of contract, having translative
effects, but there are others2 who consider this operation to simply mean the
conclusion of a new contract between the assigned contractor and a third
There is no doubt that a contract represents more than the set of
claims and liabilities that form its object. First of all, it is an expression of the
common will of the parties who conclude it. Therefore, the idea of expressing
the will to assign the concluded contract seems to make common sense, this
implying the transfer of the contractual position of one party to a third party.
*PhD in Progress, Professor Assistant, ,,Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Political
Economy Department, dana.tulaiaecon.ubbclui.ro
1 Dana Lucia Tulai, Agent Substitution and Subcontract, Agora IJJS 1/2011, Oradea.
2 J.Ghestin, Traite de droit civilLes effets du contrat. LGDJ,1994, n.687.

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