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38 Affiliate 1 (2012-2013)

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Fall Conference in Charleston, South Carolina .........................page 2
Around the Country.. - .............................................. .... page 3
Don't Forget,.. ............................................................. ...Page 3
ABA YLD Year of Service ................................... . ........ .....page 4
Targeted Trainings Provide New Lawyers Specialized Knowledge ........page 4
Free Legal Assistance to Natural Disaster Survivors .............page 5
ABA YLD Hits Chicago fur Annual Meeting  ...........................page 5
Working with Your Affiliate's Staff............................................ page 6
2 012-2013 Di'strict/National Affiliate Representative List ...............page 7
Next Steps Challenge Gears Up for Season 2 .................... ......page 8
Project Salute Recap ..................... ...I................................ page 8

American Bar Association
Young Lawyers Division
321 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL 606 54-7598
ISSN: -0360-5485
Youn g Lawyers

Te newsletter and resource guid           o   brlaers nationwide
A Publication of th e American Bai Association Young Lawyers Division* www.aiuericanhar.or/l

ABA YLD Affiliate Loses
Funding from Big Bar
By Keya Koul

O   nMay 22, 2012, the Washington State Bar Association
(WSBA) Board of Governors (BOG) voted 9-4 to eliminate
the Washington Young Lawyers Dhaisiun (WVYLD) as a divi-
sion of the WSBA, to defund the WYLD, and to niake the WYLD
a standing commnittee with a $ 10,000 budget.
The history of events leadting up to this vote is as folows:
2008-2010: The WSBA Program Review Com-mittee com-
pletes a comprehensive review of all wsl3A programs
Including the WYID. The WSBA BOG approves locus areas
and recommends various mission and program changes., but
does not recommend change to the WYLD structure or mem-
bership requirements.
March 2010: The WSBA BOG reviews the final Program
Review of the WYLD and adopts the recommendations of
theNWSBA Program Revew Committee.
*March 2011: The WSBA Budget & Audit Connittee con-
siders a possible transition of VHLD to a dues-paying section
not supported by WSBA dues. In light of opposition by the
WYLD, the proposal does not comie forward to the VvSBA
*April 6,2012. A referendum to reduce WSB3A dues fromn $450
to $325 passes with 52%1/ of those voting (12,339 voting) in
favor The -referendum is passed, requiring ant approximately
$3. 1 million reduction to the WSBA budget.
*April 16,2012: The WYLD Board of Trustees is first inform-ed
of the WSBA Budget & Audit Committee's -proposal to change
the WID to an unfunded, unstaffed standing committee.
*April 27,2012: The WSBA BOG mneets i Tualip, Wash-
ington. The WIAYLD Board of Trustees submits a memo along
wit nueros lttes from Amencan Bar Asso ciation Young
Lawyers Division (ABA YLD) affiliates in opposition to the
proposal. The WSBA Budget & Audit Committee Proposal
regarding the WYLD is removed from the agenda. Governors
hear public comment -regarding the WYLD and other pro-
gramrs slated for reduction or elimination.
*May 16, 2012: The WSBA Budget & Audit Comittee meets.
WYLD members attend in anticipation of the Committee's
consideration of the proposal regarding the WYT 'qD- The
VvYLD proposal is not discussed.
*May 22,2012: The WSBA BOG holds its special meeting and
reviews a staff memo that states that Pro-

~4ItttA~?!Ms h tiThe WSBA BOG vote on May 22, 201 2
vlo                     n oe
Wcame after WYLD iieribernjyd
numerous events and programs dur
Aftl 4t PtMd~
/ 4.  ffi ing the 2011-2012 bar year, planned

anti implemented by Division leaders. A significant highlight of
the year was hosting the ABA YLD Fall Conference in Seattle in
Octuber 2011. Great CLE and nun-CLE programs, strung spun-
sorship, and robust attenidance by young l awyers were highlights
of the conference, which brought national-quality programming to
Was hington young lawvyers.
The ABA YLD Fall Conference in Seattle was also the launch of
the 2011-2012 ABA YLD Public Service Project-Prqiect Salute:,
Young Lawyers Serving Veteranv. Matu Potempa, the 2011-2012
ABAYLD Public Service Project Coordinator, commented,; 1% very
disappointing to see state bar affiliates like the WYLD lose fund-
mug. The WYLD was imstrnmental in. coordinating the launch of this
year's pu blic service project, Pm/et Salute: Young Lcuvtyerv Serv-
ing Vewerans, held at Pike Place Senior Center, last fall. Seattle-area
attorneys voluniteered thecir time pro bono to help many veterans
obtain their entitled benefits. Events like this immeasurably improve
the public image of lawyers and wouldn't be possible without orga-
nizations like the WYLD'
During the year, the WYLE) implemented programs to foster
organic connections anitong memnbers, such as the successful Open
Section Night and the WYLD Section Liaison Program. The 2nd
Annual Ope n Section Night was held injanuaty 2012. All WSBA
sections were i'nvited to attend to showcase their section for WYLD
members and law students. Open Section Nighf'has been also a
fantastic opportunity for WYLD members to create mentoring rela-
tionships. The Section Liaison Program was modeled after the ABA
YLDI liaison appointments.
The Washington First Responder Will Clinic (FRWC), ar
implementation of the ABA. YLD WiIs for Heroes program, offers
free basic estate planning to honor first responders and their ser-
vice to the public. The FRWC got its start with WIAYLD funding,
and serves hundreds of first responders trough clinics held nine
to ten times a year Volunteer attorneys from all. areas of practice
and a variety of expenience levels participate.
The WYLD Member Outreach Committee sponsored. regular
social and networking events, with the 2011-2012 year focused
on connecting WvYLD members to other young professionals. joint
networkdig events were held -with Washingtonts Young Psycholo-
gists group, Young Accoumtants, the Risk Management Association,
and Rotary Clubs. Events were planned around die state to give
WYLD members information about the WSBA Statewinde Mod-
crate Means Program, a reduced-fee direct representation project
created by the WYLD 'in collaboration with the state Access to
Justice Board and iniaplemiented by several. county young lawyer
affiliates. WYLD members enjoyed other reg-ular social and net-

continued on page 6.

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