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104-10186-10042 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (06/02/1965)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch76019 and id is 1 raw text is: 104-10186-10042 2022 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS  ACT OF 1992

                                             CENTRAL  INTELLIGENCE AGENCY
                     Tb materil eratatae It.v.taI4' &aft-ung the Hatloa Oe Dinm or the Dpajd Uates wlun tee m,.ab'g of the .pbna@ La.% Tube
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                                                  NO FOREGN   DISSEM

                    COUNTRY Cuba                                  REPORT NO.  CSCI-316/02300-65

                    SU&JECT Telephone  System  in the Direccion   DATE DISTR. 2 June 1965 .
                            Ge.neral de Inteligerncia (DGI)
                                                                 NO. PAGES   2

                                                                 REFERENCES         R5TURN   TO  CIA<
                                          - Ba use 0n y
                    DATE OF 1964                                                     o     f    d
                    PLACE 3 Washington,  D. C.
                    DATE ACQ. (Februa ry 1965)                   FIELD REPORT NO.

                    SOURCE  A former  Cuban IS officer  who served  with the Cuban  Intelligence
                            Service  until April  1964.
                        1.  In addition  to the ordinary  telephone  system in Havana,  there is
                            a government  telephone  system which uses  the exchange  name PIZARRA,
                            connecting  all offices  of government organizations  and  government-
                            sponsored  enterprises.   Each government  office or enterprise  has
                            at least one  PIZARRA telepho.=  which  is distinct from  the regular
                            telephone  system.  In  the Dire~cion General  de Inteligenc-ia
                            (General Directorate  of  Intlligenc-? - DGI)  Headquarters,  there
                            ls a PIZARRA  telphone  controlled  by Manuel  PI!iEIRO Losada's
                            secretary,  Vidalina, who  works in M building.   If any  member
                            of the DGI wishes  to call  anyone on sensitive  business through
                            the PIZARItA exchang?, lie may either state  his requirements  to
                            Vidalina, who  will make  tt-e :all for him and report the  informa-
                            tion back when  she has acquired  it, or go  to M building  and
                            make the call  himself 'on the PIZARRA telephone.   With the exception
                            of PIAEIRO's  residence ana 6ff icy, where he  has his own PIZARRA
                            telephone, i:o other DG' office  has a PIZARRA  telephone.  There  is
                            no directory  for PIZARRA numbers  and it is  not a dial system,  but
                            works through a  central switchboard  with operators;  it is con-
                            sidered secure.   The caller picks  up the telephone  and gets  an
                            operator on the central  PIZAPRA  switchboard;  the caller asks  for
                            the off1'a: to which'he wishc-s to speak, and,  if he knows, asks  for
                            the person to whcm  he wis'-  to  speak.  A DGI officer  whose office
                            is outside of M build ti' mra call into M building on the regular
                            line (23-2555) and  ask -1o Vialira.
                       2.  Each  DGI office has  a number of  private (as opposed  to PIZARRA)
                           telephoucs:   In  the Departamento  de 1iberation Nacional  (National
                           Liberation  DeFartma:t  - LN), rutside  the M building  headquarters,
                           for example,  ther-  arc six telephones.   From these  telephones one
                           dials  any numter  in the telephone  directory, private  or a govern-
                s          ment ofiice  number,  direct.  For  internal calls within  the DGI,     5
                4                                                                                  4
                3                                   S-E-C-R-E-T                             ,      3
                2                               NO  FOREIGN DISSEM                       , 4..'
                1                                                                      Lam   - =w!
                    STA[E   DIA      ARMY    i NAVY  F AIR    I NSA   IX(       OCR    1$B     2
                    REPCINCLANT   C IB'C_ _ INS
                    (Noe.. field dittribv.ien i dIcoed by ^#.)

                    W    _/A ! WE/5.R     j f_ 'LIA    1'    ADA                 L-2350
                                              1 Cj /R&A 3 IE. -ITIS N ..VP (A]i(UG-1)

                                                         L/WASillB     - J CSCI-316/02300
                     W/OS                   RIq,a A    l _                                    65
                   WHC/WAVE            - I.'-a                                                 c'
                   TOTAL$ WHC 8 (1), WE 1 (1), CI 4,' RID 1         ''~oM                  .    ,

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