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104-10096-10047 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (05/15/1972)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch71467 and id is 1 raw text is: 14-00000

                                                              15 'May 1972


                  SUBJE  CT     : Meeting with Hal Hondri , 11 May 1972

                         1. 1-Jal Handri,: called my home on 10 May, saying that he was
                  in Washington and wished to see nle. Arrangemcrt s wore later made to
                  meet him  in dov.ntown Washington at a street corner at 8:00 am on
                  11 May.  I picked him up as scheduled, and after driving around awhile
                  we had breakfast at the Marriot Mc.tel in IRosslyrn, after which I drove
                  him  to the airport so he could catch the 10:30 a. m. plane to New York.

                         2.  Bendrix had a number of points to convey, but no;:: of them
                  were of such importance for him to have made a trip to Washington
                     jt to a .m   T..  r-  ^r, his .eplan-1io s e ! j plauei th- sr  
                   J4U V  VV f.-    A .. *. S.$ f a LS-
                   in Washington basically to see Jerry l annifin of the Time/Li:e bureau
                   to discus:; a load on who might have leaked IT' docluxnents to Jack Anderzo
                   %lendri:: exp~lined that he reas recently told by a Caribbean ruffian
                   named Fnu Goodfriend that the person who furnished the ITV documents
                   to Jack Anderson was Irving Davidson, an old fiind of Andercon vrho sorne
                   year. ago had once set aside a desk in his office for Andorcon to use on
               -  occasion.  Goodfriend said that the picture of Dita Beard with a number
               .  of her VWash ington contacts published early in the I' T scandal day-s had
                  included Davidcion somewhere in the group. Davidson is describcd as a
                  lobbyit  for one or more Latin Amrerican Governments as well as for
                  Israel. ]-annifin is considered a very knowice-dgeable and trusted friend
                  by I-endrix who wanted Eannifin's opinion whether -David;on might in
                  fact be a vcurce of Anderon'i.  I-1nnnifin's initidl impression was
                  that this was a remote possibility, but he said he would check around arid
                  try and talk to Davidson hirmself to see whether he could get. a rise on
                  the que,.-lion of 17T. llndrie: said he c.m away from the meeting with
                  I-,anuifin pro'y wcell convinced that the lead to Davidson as the source on
                  ITT  documents was probably not a good-one.

                      d                        /6

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